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Mouse pre-implantation stages: cleavage, compaction, blastocyst cavity formation 内细胞团的产生是哺乳动物早期发育的关键步骤之一。通过对活体胚胎的观察研究,发现这种重要决定作用仅仅依赖于细胞于某一正确时间出现在某一正确的位置。压缩后位于外层的细胞将形成滋养层细胞,而内部的细胞将发育成胚胎。 一个细胞是否成为胚胎或滋养层细胞,完全取决于压缩作用后细胞所处的位置是位于外周还是内部。 上胚层和下胚层的形成:在原肠作用开始时,内细胞团分裂为两层。与囊胚腔接触的一层为下胚层,将用于形成yolk sac;另一层为上胚层。上胚层细胞间的缝隙将合并、扩大成为羊膜腔,腔中的液体可防止胚胎脱水和保护胚胎受振荡。上胚层将发育为胚胎的本体。 人体胚胎三胚层的建立及其命运 人体胚胎细胞的分化路线 胚轴形成 胚胎细胞形成不同组织、器官,构成有序空间结构的过程称为图式形成(pattern formation)。 在动物胚胎发育中,最初的图式形成主要涉及胚轴(embryonic axes)形成及其一系列相关的细胞分化过程。胚轴指胚胎的前-后轴(anterior -posterior axis)和背 – 腹轴(dorsal -ventral axis)。胚轴的形成是在一系列基因的多层次、网络性调控下完成的。 Role of the AVE in establishing the anterior-posterior axis of the mouse embryo Early post-implantation development of the mouse embryo Inner cell mass: primitive endoderm (extra-embryonic membrane) and primitive ectoderm or epiblast (embryo proper and some extra-embryonic components) Polar trophectoderm: the ectoplacental cone and the placenta Mural trophectoderm: trophoblast giant cells Early post-implantation development of the mouse embryo Egg cylinder: an internal cavity (proaminotic cavity) forms, U-shaped Onset of gastrulation: the appearance of primitive streak 小鼠胚胎上胚层细胞的程序性死亡导致囊胚腔的形成。 Gastrulation in the mouse embryo 6.5 d: beginning of gastrulation, the appearance of primitive streak; antero-posterior axis 7.5 d: primitive streak elongates until the bottom of the cup, forming notochord (head process) Gastrulation and neurulation in the mouse embryo 7d: the node formation, anterior ectoderm→neurectoderm (brain and spinal cord) The anterior part of the embryo grows in size and head fold appears, definitive endoderm replace visceral endoderm to form an outer layer on the ventral surface of the embryo. The notochord begins to form. Gastrulation and neurulation in the mouse embryo 8d: head is distinct, neural folds have formed, gut have closed, somites begins to form on either side of the notochord. 10.5d: the complete of gastrulation and neurulation after turning. T


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