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砂轮机操作、 维护和保养规程 Regulations on the operation and maintenance of sand wheel machine 文件编号 No:MD-WI-014 版 本:A Version: A 实施日期 Date:20 修改码:0 Revised code: 0 编制(constitutor): 审批(audit): 砂轮机操作、维护和保养规程 Regulations on the operation and maintenance of the sand wheel machine 目的 1. objective 通过对设备的严格规范化管理,确保设备保持完好状态,更好地为生产服务。 For the objective that the equipments can work with high efficiency to finish the production well through the strict and standard management. 适用范围 2. Scope 砂轮机的操作、维护和保养。 It is applied in all kinds of the operation and maintenance of the sand wheel machine. 3.操作规程 3.regulations on operation 3.1操作场地必须整洁,照明充分。砂轮必须戴好砂轮罩,托架距 砂轮不得超过5mm;使用后必须拉闸。 3.1 Enough illumination ensure,sand wheel must be covered with its carter, bracket shall not exceed 5mm from sand wheel, (power supply cut off after operation finished) 3.2操作人员必须戴好安全眼镜不得正对砂轮,而应站在侧面。不准戴手套,严禁使用棉纱等物包裹刀具进行磨削。 3.2 Operator must wear safety glasses and shall not stare at the wheel directly, he or she shall stand in the side direction toward sand wheel machine. It is not allowed to slicing by wrapping cutting tools with cotton yarn. 3.3砂轮只限于磨刀具、不得磨笨重的物料或薄铁板以及软质材料(铝、铜等)和木质品。 3.3 Sand wheel machine is only used to polish the cutting tools no other materials. 3.4砂轮机在开动前,要认真察看砂轮机与防护罩之间有无杂物。应先用手转动砂轮,观察转动是否灵活,有无相擦现象。确认无问题时,再开动砂轮机。 3.4 Before start the machine, check whether there are foreign articles between sand wheel machine and the protection carter. Rotate sand wheel manually to check if it is flexible, start the machine when everything goes well. 3.5在同一块砂轮上,禁止两人同时使用,更不准在砂轮的侧面磨活。磨工件时,操作者应站在砂轮机的侧面。不要站在砂轮机的正面,以防砂轮崩裂,发生事故。 3.5 it is not permitted to allow two people operate one sand wheel at the same time, when polishing the workpieces, stand in the side position to prevent accident happening. 3.6使用时要精神集中,磨削时的站立位置应与砂轮机成一夹角,且接触压力要均匀,严禁撞击砂轮,以免碎裂。 3.6 Concentrate when operating, standing position and sand wheel machine shall form an included angle, work force shall be evenly in case of the wheel br


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