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PAGE PAGE 5 第3周复习资料 (? )1. We were thankful ______ Mr. Wang because he was very responsible ______ us. A. for; for ???? ???????????B. for; to ????? C. to; for? ??? ???????????? ? D. to; to (? )2. The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that ______ are bigger. A. we ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. ours? ?????? C. our?? ?????? ????????????? D. us (? )3. Just be patient. I ______ go to see you in person again at the end of the month. A. shall?? ??????????? ???? ? B. must C. need? ?????? ??????????? ?? D. should (? )4. ______ how many difficulties are ahead of me, I’ll stick to what I am doing. A. Until ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. Because????? C. As long as?????? ??? D. No matter (? )5. Sue, along with her cousins, ______ dance lessons twice a week. A. take ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. have taken???? C. takes????? ????? ?? ???? D. has taken (? )6. I’m sorry, but my ______ are that I am not to let anyone in. A. methods??? ???? ? B. instructions C. surveys??? ????? ?????? D. standards (? )7. A primary school ______ all kinds of difficulties and built a “playground in the air”. A. overcame????? ???? ?B. doubled C. separated???? ? ?????? D. canceled (? )8. The young man is ______ for success, so he works hard day and night. A. famous ? ? ? ? ? ??B. believable C. responsible??? ?? ????? D. thirsty (? )9. My children wash their hands, arms and faces, and ______, they wash their feet. A. exactly ????????????????? B. lastly? ? C. normally????????????????? ? D. lately (? )10. Jenny has problems ______ the English movie. Can you help her? A. to understand???? ?? B. to praise C. understanding???? ? D. praising (? )11. Look at the dark clouds. There ______ a heavy rain. A. is going to be??? ???? B. will have C. has been????? ??????? D. is having (? )12. —Sally, remember _____ a present for Anna when you go to her party.—OK, I will. A. bringing ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B. to bring???? ? C. selling??????????????????


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