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* Translation skills (1) ---Diction 遣词用字 KFC (肯德基) 店里的广告We Do Chicken Right. 如何翻译? 1、我们做鸡是对的; 2、我们就是做鸡的; 3、我们有做鸡的权利; 4、我们只做鸡的右半边; 5、我们只做右边的鸡; 6、我们可以做鸡,对吧; 7、我们行使了鸡的权利; 8、我们主张鸡权。 9、我们直接做鸡。 10、我们正常地做鸡。 Right a.正当的,?对的; 右边的, 右方的; 良好的 Adv.直接地; 彻底地; 向右, 往右; 正确地, 恰当地; 立即, 马上; 正直地;正当地; n公正, 正义; 权利; ?右边, 右面; Vt.??纠正, 改正;?整理;恢复正常; 公正对待为…伸冤(或报仇) prep. 1.?(表示同意或遵从)是的,好的2.?(要确保对方同意或明白时说)对不 Diction 遣词用字 教学内容: 1.英汉词字层次对等关系 2.英语词义辨析法 3.词义的选择 4.词义的引申 5.词义的褒贬 Ⅰ. Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level 英汉词字层次对等关系 1、Word-for-Word Correspondence Marxism = 马克思主义 Aspirin = 阿斯匹林 激光= laser 白血病= leukemia 2、One Word with Multiple Equivalents of the Same Meaning wife: 妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人… 人: human being, man, people, person ... Ⅰ. Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level 英汉词字层次对等关系 3、One Word with Several Equivalents of Different Meanings cousin: 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹、卿… president:总统、总裁、主席、董事长、议长、会长、社长、校长… 羊:sheep, goat, ram, ewe, lamb… Ⅰ. Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level 英汉词字层次对等关系 4、 Equivalents Interwoven with One Another Ⅰ. Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level 英汉词字层次对等关系 5、Words without Equivalents teenager: 13 至19 岁的青少年 clock-watcher: 老是看钟等下班的人 阴: yin (in Chinese thought) the soft, inactive, female principle or force in the world Dink=double income no kids 丁克家族 文房四宝:the four treasures of the study (writing brush, ink-stick, ink-stone and paper) 乌纱帽:an official post 糖葫芦:Tanghulu, a sugar-coated fruit on the stick which is a kind of children’s favorite food in winter 5、Words without Equivalents 1. 某些特定的文化概念。 privacy (隐私,隐居,独处…), dress dress a baby 给婴儿穿衣 dress a chicken把鸡放血去毛去头和内脏开膛待烹 Ⅰ. Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level 英汉词字层次对等关系 5、Words without Equivalent 2. 源语语义复杂。如巴西语中的 arrua??o,其英文解释是:clearing the ground under coffee trees of rubbish and piling it in the middle of the row in order to aid in the recovery of beans dropped dur


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