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发动机气缸盖热机疲劳评估技术与平台应用 曾小春, 邹萍萍,林宇星,严华,骆旭薇,廖善彬,魏涛,袁晓军 (江铃汽车股份有限公司动力总成开发部,江西省 南昌市330001) [摘要]通过 AVL FIRE 软件对某发动机的铸铝气缸盖建立了缸内燃烧模型、水套分析模型, 为缸盖温度场分析提供热分析边界。通过Abaqus 软件基于实测的不同温度下应力应变曲线、 寿命应变曲线、蠕变、氧化数据等材料性能参数,进行了缸体缸盖一体化有限元分析。温度 场计算得到了缸体缸盖温度分布情况,缸盖最高温度为 200℃,小于材料允许的最高温度 260℃。使用AVL 沸腾插件对水套进行了沸腾分析,分析结果显示,缸盖排气侧“鼻梁区” 和缸体 2、3 缸间存在局部沸腾,缸盖温度距“开锅点”温度为-21.1℃。通过FEMFAT 软件 建立了缸盖高周疲劳和热机疲劳分析模型,分析得到了缸盖高周疲劳安全系数和热机疲劳寿 命,为汽油机、柴油机的缸盖结构设计提供了重要的指导和方案。本项目建立了完整的缸盖 热机耦合仿真分析流程和方法,该热机疲劳评估技术具有通用性,该方法不仅适用于缸盖 TMF 评估,也可借鉴到排气歧管、活塞等TMF 评估。本文的研究成果已成功运用在江铃汽车 的柴油机平台和汽油机平台上,效果显著。 关键词:气缸盖;缸内燃烧;CFD 分析;热机疲劳;材料性能测试;数据处理技术 主要软件:AVL FIRE, ABAQUS, FEMFAT, HYPERMESH ,GT-POWER Engine Cylinder Head Thermal Mechanical Fatigue Evaluation Technology and Platform Application Zeng Xiaochun, Zou Pingping, Lin Yuxing, Yan Hua, Luo Xuwei, Liao Shanbin, Wei tao,Yuan Xiaojun Jiangling Motors Corporation, Limited, Powertrain Engineering Department, Nanchang, 330001 [Abstract]An in-cylinder combustion analysis and CFD analysis of coolant water were performed throughwith AVL FIRE software, which provided the heat transfer boundary conditions (HTBC’s)to the temperature field calculation of the cylinder head. Based on the measured material performance parameters such as stress-strain curve under different temperature and E-N curve, creep and oxidation data material performance parameters, the cylinder head-gasket-cylinder block FE analysis was performed. According to the temperature field calculation results, the maximum temperature of cylinder head amounts to 200 ℃that within the limit of acceptance for ALU material. Temperature at water side is more than 21.1 ℃below the critical temperature Bumont point. The high cycle fatigue and thermal mechanical fatigue (TMF) analysis of cylinder head were performed by FEMFAT software, and the HCF safety coefficient


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