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2009 8 A ug2009 37 8 MACH INE TOOL HYDRAULICS V ol37 N o8 DO I: 10. 3969 / issn1001- 3881200908079 轮式移动机器人研究综述 朱磊磊, 陈军 (西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院, 陕西西安 712100) : , , , , , , : ; : T P24! ! : A! ! : 1001- 3881 ( 2009) 8- 242- 6 A R eview ofW heeled M ob ile R obots ZHU L eile,i CH EN Jun ( College o fM echan ica l and E lectron ic Eng ineering N orthw est A g riculture and F orestry Un iversity, X ian Shaanx i 712100, Ch ina) A bstrac t: T he current research about w hee led mob ile robots w as ana lyzed and the classif ication w as carr ied on acco rding to the number of w hee ls to the w hee led m ob ile robo t, and the m ob ile mechan ism s and m ovem en t con tro l about the v ariou s k inds o f w heeled m ob ile robots w e re d iscu ssed. The re la tionsh ip betw een var ious k inds of w hee led m ob ile robo ts w as discu ssed, and the capab ility of va riou s k inds o fw hee led m ob ile robo ts w as compared. The problem s to be so lved about the v ariou s kinds ofw hee led m ob ile robots w ere po inted out and the future developm ent o f w heeled mob ile robots w as forecasted. K eyw ord s: W heeled robo ts; M obile m echan ism 0! , , [ 1- 18] , ,


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