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Painting Defects : Cracks ? ? As with pin holes, these fine cracks on the painted surface are caused by solvent attack, and this phenomenon is often seen in acrylic painting. These cracks generally occur near gates and at edges in particular. We recommend our special painting grades for use in painted products. ? ? Example: Acrylic paint ? Cause : Solvent in the paint attacks sections of the substrate material where levels of residual strain are high, thus causing chemical stress. ? Countermeasures: - Selection of a less aggressive solvent - Modification of the paint and solvent mixture ratios - Annealing (at between 60deg.C and 70deg.C for 20 to 60 minutes) - Raising of the cylinder temperature and die temperature. - Lowering of the injection and dwell pressures, and raising of the injection speed * Generally speaking, the addition of retarder is not a good means of treating chemical cracks. Molded Part Cracking : Plated Part Cracking ? ? Typical cracking of plated parts Plated layer cracking (at high temperatures) Plastic layer cracking (at low temperatures) Causes: The principal cause of this type of cracking is thermal stress - i.e., tensile stress in excess of the corresponding material characteristic (i.e., strength) which is caused as a result of differences in the degree to which the plated and plastic layers expand or contract in response to changes in the ambient temperature. Specifically, cracking occurs in the plated layer at temperatures higher than the plating temperature; and in the plastic layer, at lower temperatures. Material Youngs modulus (MPa) Coefficient of linear expansion (1/deg.C) Copper 1.23 x 10**5 16.6 x 10**-6 Nickel 2.01 x 10**5 12.8 x 10**-6 Chromium 2.48 x 10**5 8.2 x 10**-6 ABS 1,900 to 4,000 60 to 95 x 10**-6 Occasionally, the plastic layer may be subjected to chemical attack as a result of contact with remnants of the plating fluid. ? Countermeasures The simplest countermeasure for this type of failure is to el


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