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地理學報 第四十九期:39-54 (2007) 39 JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE (49) : 39-54 (2007) 空間再尺度化的角力 全球化下的臺灣資通訊產業與國家機器 Contesting Rescaling Taiwan’s ICT Industry and the State in the Age of Globalization 王振寰* Jenn-Hwan Wang Abstract This paper uses the perspective of the political economy of scale to depict the contesting issue in Taiwan regarding the dilemma of political rivalry vs. economic integration across the Taiwan Strait. By using the case of the spatial restructuring of the ICT industry –its embedded and dis-embedded in Taiwan, as well as its re-embedded in China, this paper intends to analyze the Taiwanese state’s reaction and its spatial strategies. It will show that the state’s reaction has been self-contradictory- on the one hand, the national/populist project intends to bring the runaway economy under its control, while on the other hand the glocal state strategy aims to embrace the globalization tendency. This paper contents that the state’s national/populist project overrules the glocal state strategy, as a result the ICT industry has become re-embedded in China even further as the contesting of scale continues. Keywords: spatial restructuring, scale, the state, ICT, Taiwan. 摘 要 * 國立政治大學國家發展研究所講座教授 Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University. 40 本文以空間尺度政治經濟學觀點描繪臺灣與中國之「政治對立─經濟整合」 的矛盾現象,並以資通訊產業的空間再結構─鑲


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