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摘要 PAGE IV w 防爆型袋式脉冲收尘器 摘 要 煤磨防爆袋式除尘器系由气箱脉冲(Pulse-Plenum)除尘技术发展而来,具有清灰能力强、除尘效率高、排放浓度低等特点,特别适合处理粉尘浓度高的易燃易爆废气,如在水泥、钢铁行业中的煤粉系统中配套使用。煤磨防爆袋式除尘技术是在Fuller公司技术的基础上,又应用了许多世界上最新进展的袋除尘技术及高品质的零部件,使各项技术经济指标较以往均有显著提高。大量的应用证明,煤磨防爆袋式除尘技术已经非常成熟,具有很高的可靠性和极优的性能价格比。 本次设计煤磨防爆袋式除尘器,第一章详细描述了煤磨系统粉尘的特点,危险性,以及收尘器的基本原理;第二章对收尘器进行详细的参数设计,选用防油防水抗静电覆膜滤料,在结构上采用特殊的防集尘设计;第三章对煤磨收尘器的脉冲系统进行了深入研究设计;第四章主要是除尘器辅助设施的设计及主要设备;第五章对各种受力设施进行了校核;第六章针对防爆装置进行了研究。设计图纸面积共计3张A0图纸面积,其中一张总装配图A0图纸,一张箱体A1图纸,2张A2部装图,8张A3零件图,一张A4零件图。为使老师更能详细了解此次设计,特编写了详细内容依次分附于各个章节之后。 关键词:防爆,袋式,脉冲,收尘器,煤磨 Explosion-proof Type bag Pulse Dust collector ABSTRACT Coal mill explosion-proof hag filters by impulse (Pulse - Plenum) removal technology development, and has the ability and dust removal efficiency, low emission concentrations, especially suitable for processing of inflammable, explosive dust concentration in cement, such as gas and coal system in the steel industry. Coal mill explosion-proof bag filter in the world scope has been applied in China has massive and promotion. Coal mill explosion-proof bag dusting technology is based on the Fuller technology companies, and applied the latest progress in the world of many bag dust removal technology and high quality parts, make various technical and economic indexes is significantly improved. The application of coal mill, explosion proof filter technology has been very mature and has high reliability and excellent performance to price. The design of coal mill, the first chapter explosion-proof hag filters are described in detail the characteristics of coal mill system, risk, dust and the basic principle of dust collector, The second chapter to dust collector for the detailed design parameters, prevent oil waterproof coated filter material, antistatic with special structure of dust collection design, The third chapter of coal mill dust collector of pulse system design, The fourth chapter basically is the dust of auxiliary facilities and the main equipment design, The fifth chapter of vario



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