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PAGE PAGE 12 铝光亮化学镀镍基合金工艺研究 摘要 通过对各种前处理工艺的筛选,找到了一种最佳的前处理工艺-条件预处理工艺,并对镀镍中间体和无机盐进行筛选,研究出了一种组合光亮剂,能够在铝材上获得全光亮镀层。在此基础上,研究了镀液各成分(如硫酸镍,次磷酸钠,柠檬酸三钠,乳酸等),施镀工艺条件(pH值,温度,装载量)对铝材上化学镀镍磷合金光亮性,耐蚀性,沉积速度,结合力的影响,并检测了镀层的显微硬度,孔隙率,结合力,耐蚀性等性能及镀液覆盖能力,使用寿命等。还研究了镀层在镀液中及在5%NaCl溶液中的阴极极化曲线及循环伏安曲线。通过实验研究出了在铝上化学镀镍磷合金工艺配方及操作工艺,可得到全光亮镀层,沉积速度可达13~15μm/h,浓硝酸点滴实验可达100s以上,并通过阴极极化曲线来评定出其镀层耐蚀性极佳。通过此次实验研究表明,该工艺具有较好的应用推广价值。 关键词:化学镀;镍磷合金;全光亮;铝 Study of bright electroless nickel-phosphorus alloy plating process on Aluminum Abstract: By selecting each technology of pretreatment, a optium technology of pretreatment and a technology conditional pre-treatment were founded ,and selecting the intermerdiates of nickel plating agents and inorganic salts,a brightening agent is studied ,and the entire bright coating is obtained on the aluminum substrate. Based on these, effects of the components of Bath (as nickel sulfate, sodium hypohosphite and sodium citrate, emulsion acid),the process of plating(as pH value, temperature, time, etc), the surface of plating samples as brightness degree, wear resistance adhension and plating rate on the aluminum substrate are studied; and examined the coating’s micro-hardness, porosity and adbesion wear resistance and the ability of covering the using of lifetime of bath, the coating’s cathode polarization curves and circulatory voltampere curve in plating solution and 5% sodium chloride solution were studied. This paper developed a formulation and operation technology of electroless nickel-phopharous on Aluminum through the experiment. The bright plating coating was obtained. The rate of deposition reached to 13~15μm/h. The drop test of nitric acid reached to loos and the corrosion resistance of the plating coating was estimated by circulatory voltampere curve. The experimental investigation show that this technology have the great value of application. Keywords:Electroless ;nickel-phosphorus alloy;entire bright;Aluminum 1 前言 化学镀镍最早是由美国的Brenner和Riddell于1944年发明的,并发表且获得了专


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