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PAGE l 广东金融学院 2008-JX16- 本科毕业论文(设计) 论完善保险业 参与新型农村合作医疗机制的建设 学生姓名 : 学号 : 系部 : 保 险 专业 : 保险学 指导教师 : 副教授 提交日期 : 年4月28日 l 摘 要 目前,医疗保障制度不完善已成为农村不稳定的因素之一,大部分农民得不到很好的医疗保障。作为我国农村医疗保障制度之一的农村合作医疗, 经历了50多年的曲折历程,令人欣慰的是,当前国家十分重视新型农村合作医疗的健康发展,而且政府已将新型农村合作医疗的工作纳入了政府的重要议程。近年来保险业在农村医疗保险市场进行了积极的探索。将商业保险公司已具有的医疗保险管理经验推广,可以提高新型农村合作医疗的运作效率,加强风险控制,降低运行成本,保证资金安全,缓解政府压力,转变政府职能,创新了政府公共管理的模式。研究商业保险积极参与新型农村合作医疗机制的建设,对建设我国农村医疗保障体系有着战略性的意义。 关键词:新型农村合作医疗; 医疗保障; 风险管控; 商业保险 Abstract The imperfect of medical service system has become one of unstable factors which make countryside unstable, so the majority of farmers can’t get good medical service in nowadays. The rural cooperative medical care, one of Chinese rural health care system, has run more than 50 years. What make person delighted is that our country pays attention to developing of the new rural cooperatives medical service and brings it into government’s important agenda. In recent years the business insurance has carried on the positive exploration in the countryside medical insurance market. The medical insurance managerial experience which has promoted the business insurance company,may raise the operation of the new rural cooperative medical care more efficiency, strengthens the risk control and reduces the run cost. It also assures the fund security and alleviates government pressure, transforms government function which has innovated the government public administration pattern. It is strategic significance that we study business insurance participate the mechanism construction of the new rural cooperative medical care positively, which will construct our country countryside medical service safeguard system. Key words:The new rural cooperative medical care; Medical service to safeguard; Risk control; Business insurance 目 录 一、保险业参与“新农合”建设的概况……………………………………2 (一)“新农合”的基本情况 ………………………………………………2 (二)保险业参与“新农合”概况 …………………………………………3 二、保险业参与“新农合”机制建设存在的困难与问题…………………5 (一) 政府对保险业参与“新农合”建设的法律法规有所欠缺 …………5 (二) 政府开展“新农合”的宣传工作不


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