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Which of the following tribes came to Britain first? A. The Angles盎格鲁人 . B. The Saxons撒克逊人 . C. The Gaels盖尔人 . D. The Jutes朱特人 . On the island of Great Britain, there are _______. A. four political divisions --- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland B. four political divisions --- England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland C. three political divisions --- England, Scotland, and Wales D. three political divisions --- England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland With regard to its size, Australia is ______ country in the world. A. the third largest B. the fourth largest C. the fifth largest D. the sixth larges . The capital of New Zealand is ________. A. Nelson 尼尔森 B. Wellington惠灵顿 C. Melbourne墨尔本 D. Dunedin但尼丁 The English Renaissance文艺复兴 was largely literary, and it achieved its finest expression in the so-called ______. A. Romantic poetry B. Romantic fiction C. Elizabethan poetry D. Elizabethan drama Who has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in Britain? A. The Queen B. The Parliament议会 C. The House of Lords上议院 D. The Church of England英国国教 provide offer detailed specific enlarge magnify appear emerge boring tedious use utilize show demonstrate famous distinguished special unique person individual excellent outstanding increasing growing affair matter Common universal 观察及反应能力比拼(猜单词90秒 单词猜猜看:此环节每队派出两名队员,根据屏幕所给出的单词,一人面对屏幕用英语和动作对其进行描述,另一人背对屏幕来猜,时间为90秒。(注:描述中不得出现原单词及中文),有三次放弃机会,比划的同学只能用肢体语言、以及介绍单词的词性、类别、和组成单词的字母个数,不许说出词条中的任何一个词,猜词时,台下观众保持安静不许提示. 此环节,答对1个为1分。由评委统计后,主持人公布六个小组得分,评委记录得分. Fighting Hamburger Snow White Uniform Beauty kiss Mirror Wifi Party Sleeping bubble Butterfly NBA noodle 该环节为抢答环节,屏幕上将逐次英语国家概况基础抢答,少部分具有一定的挑战性。无人员限制,任意成员都可以回答,答对一个得1分。 The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from ____. A. Denmark             B. Belgium C. France              D. the Netherlands Britain’s longest rivers are ____. A. the


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