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Rules of Conduct
1. 努力学习、认真完成规定学习的课程;
1. Study hard and complete all assignments.
2. 遵守校纪、校规;
2. Observe university regulations.
3. 尊重教师和学校的工作人员;
3. Show respect for faculty members and staff.
4. 尊重同学,团结友爱;
4. Respect your fellow students and cultivate friendship.
5. 爱护公共财物,提倡勤俭节约作风;
5.Cherish public prosperity and keep from waste and luxury.
6. 遵守中华人民共和国政府有关的法令和规定;
6. Obey the laws and regulations of the Chinese government.
7. 尊重中国人民的风俗习惯;
7. Respect Chinese social customs and habits.
8. 遵守山西中医学院留学生管理规定
8. Obey the Rules and Regulations directed at foreign students of Shanxi University of TCM.
1. 经我院录取的学生,必须持《JW202表》以及《录取通知书》、护照等有关证件,在规定的注册日期内到国际教育中心留学生管理办公室报到。不能按时报到者,应提前向学院说明原因,经批准后,可适当延长报到时间,未经同意,逾期两周不报到者,作自动放弃入学资格处理。
1. New overseas students should register at the International Student Office of International Education Center within the fixed period of time. Overseas students should submit the Admission Notice, passport, and JW201 Form. The Overseas students who cannot register on time should state the reason to college beforehand. Register time can be postponed mildly after permission. Without permission, overseas students who cannot register within 2 weeks will be regarded as giving up enrollment by themselves.
2. 新生报到时,应提供有效身份证明(护照或通行证)及正面两村免冠照片八张。
2. Overseas students should submit passport and eight passport photos.
3. 新生到校后需到卫生检疫部门进行体检,费用自理,不符合健康标准者,取消其入学资格,并应立即离校。
3.Overseas students should go through the medical examination after registration and pay by themselves. A student whose health does not meet the requirements of the examination must leave China at once.
4. Overseas students must pay all the fees within seven days after registration. If they cannot pay off all the fees in time, College will deal according to regulations (get more demurrage).
5. 入境30天内应到公安部门办理居留手续,逾期不办者,将受到公安部门处罚,其后果学生自负。
5. The overseas students who enter China should apply for a res