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毕业设计(论文)有关外文翻译 院 系: 机械工程学院 专 业: 11接本(2)班 姓 名: 学 号: 104611252077 指导教师: 完成时间: 2013年 05 月1日 1 绪论 1.1选题的背景及意义 随着汽车发动机转速和功率的不断提高,热负荷也愈来愈大,对冷却系统的要求也越来越高,人们对包括散热器在内的冷却系统的研究愈加重视,新技术、新材料不断涌现。汽车铝散热器产品的优势体现在轻量化、可靠性高、价格低以及生产环保,整车厂采用铝水箱替代原有铜水箱是汽车散热器技术发展的必然趋势。目前,汽车散热器正朝着轻型、高效、经济的方向发展,国内乘用车产品90%以上采用的是铝散热器,在商用车上的使用近年也陆续采用并有扩大的趋势。 因此如何提高散热器的传热效能是一个综合性的经济效益问题,应通过技术经济比较后确定。在提高散热器的散热效率的情况下同时考虑降低散热器的散热阻力,合理选择使用板片材质和橡胶密封垫材质,使用正确的安装方法,才可保证设备安全运行,延长设备的使用寿命。通过计算机的模拟,可以使管带式热器性能更为优越,结构更加合理,经济性更强。另一方面,现代计算机技的快速发展和进步也为管带式散热器的优化设计提供了强大的技术支持,所以管带式散热器的优化设计对于现代诸多工业的可持续发展有着深远的意义。 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Significance topics Power continues to increase, more and more large heat load on the cooling system requirements are also increasing , people including the radiator cooling system pay more attention to research , new technologies , new materials emerging. The advantages of automotive aluminum radiator products is reflected in the lightweight , high reliability , low prices and the production of environmentally friendly vehicle plant to replace the original copper- aluminum radiator auto radiator tank is the inevitable trend of technological development . Currently, the auto radiator is moving light , efficient and economic direction, more than 90% of domestic passenger car is aluminum radiator, in recent years, the use of commercial vehicles have gradually adopted and is growing . Therefore, how to improve the heat transfer performance of the heat sink is a comprehensive economic issues , through technical and economic comparison OK. Improve the efficiency of the heat sink in the case of taking lower radiator cooling resistance , a reasonable choice to use Plate material and rubber gasket material, using the correct installation method can ensure the safe operation of equipment , extend equipment life . Through computer simulation, you can heat the pipe band performance is more supe


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