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PAGE 1 l 摘要 随着科学技术的飞跃发展,各种先进的汽车电子控制技术被广泛应用到汽车上,先进的电子控制技术使汽车的动力性和燃油经济性得到了很大的提高,也减少了空气污染,汽车电子控制技术大大促进了汽车工业的发展。而汽车的电子控制是从发动机开始的,而发动机的控制技术是从控制点火开始的,在各种工况下,可以通过ECU控制各个执行器从而获得最佳的点火提前角,使发动机的动力性、经济性、排放性及稳定性均处于最佳。在整个工作过程中,都可对点火线圈初级电路的通电时间和电流进行控制,不仅提高了点火的可靠性,而且可有效地减少电能消耗,防止点火线圈烧损。采用爆燃控制功能后,可使点火提前角控制在爆燃的临界状态,以此获得最佳的燃烧过程。本文研究的是电控点火系统的发展历史,组成及工作原理,及丰田汽车的典型案例分析。 关键词:点火提前角 爆燃控制 Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology, all kinds of advanced automotive electronic control technology is widely applied to vehicles, advanced electronic control technology makes the automobile power performance and fuel economy has been greatly improved, and reduces air pollution, greatly promoted the development of the automobile industry and the automobile electronic control technology. Electronic control car is starting from the engine, and the control technology of engine ignition control is from the start, in a variety of conditions, through the ECU control of each actuator so as to obtain the optimal ignition advance angle, so that the engine power, economy, emission performance and stability were in the best. In the whole process of the work, it can control the ignition coil primary circuit and current time, not only improves the reliability of ignition, but also can effectively reduce the energy consumption, to prevent the loss of ignition coil. The knock control function, can make the ignition advance angle control in the critical state of detonation combustion process, in order to get the best. This study is the development history of electronic ignition system, composition and working principle, typical case analysis and Toyota car. Keywords: Detonation ignition advance Angle control 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 1 汽车电控点火系统的发展历史 1 2 电控点火系统(ESA) 2 2.1电控点火系统的定义 2 2.2电控点火系统的组成 2 2.2.1传感器 2 2.2.2电子控制单元(ECU) 6 2.2.3点火器 6 2.2.4点火线圈 6 2.3电控点火系统的分类 7 2.3.1按有无分电器分类 7 2.3.2按控制元件


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