土木工程专业英语Unit 12 Ocean engineering.ppt

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Chapter 12 Ocean Engineering 海洋工程 内容提要 本章引言:海洋工程是指以开发、利用、保护、恢复海洋资源为目的,并且工程主体位于海岸线向海一侧的新建、改建、扩建工程。本章重点: a. 港口和海洋工程 b. 科技英语翻译技巧:长句翻译 Part I 港口和海洋工程 (Harbors and Sea works ) Questions: a. What are the principle objectives of maritime engineering? b. What’re the differences between natural and artificial harbors? Part I Harbors and Sea works Objectives of maritime engineering Hydraulic models Natural and artificial harbors Classical harbor works a. Objectives of maritime engineering The principal objectives of sea works fall broadly into two classifications: transportation, and reclamation and conservancy. Under the first fall works directed at providing facilities for the safe and economical transfer of cargo and passengers between land vehicles and ships; fishing ports for the landing and distribution of the harvest of the sea; Under the heading of reclamation and conservancy come works directed to the protection of the land area from encroachment by the sea, to the recovery and conservancy to land use of areas occupied by the sea, and to the maintenance of river estuaries as efficient means for the discharge of inland runoff. b. Hydraulic models The planning of maritime civil engineering works, whether for transportation, reclamation, or conservancy, has been facilitated by the development of the technique of model studies. Once regarded as scientific toys, such studies are now considered an essential preliminary step to any large-scale redevelopment of a port or coastal area and are useful even for minor modifications of additions. c. Natural and artificial harbors In certain favored points on the world’s coastlines, nature has provided harbors waiting only to be used, such as New York Bay, which the explorer Giovanni da Verrazano described as “a very agreeable location” for sheltering a ship. Because such natural harbors are not always at hand where port facilities are needed, engineers must create artificial harbors. The basic st


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