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内 分 泌 与 代 谢 病课 程 按 排总 论:2 学时甲 亢:4 学时糖 尿 病:4 学时总 论一、内分泌系统的组成二、激素的种类、作用方式和机理三、内分泌疾病的种类、临床表现、诊断和防治原则History and development of Endocrinology (1)Roughly a hundred years ago, Starling coined the term hormone to describe secretin, a substance secreted by the small intestine into the blood stream to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In his Croonian Lectures, Starling considered the endo- crine and nervous systems as two distinct mechanisms for coordination and control of organ function. Thus, endocrinology found its first home in the discipline of mammalian physiology.History and development of Endocrinology (2)Work over the next several decades by biochemists, physiologists, and clinical investigators led to the characterization of many hormones secreted into the blood stream from discrete glands or other organs. These investigators showed for the first time that diseases such as hypothyroidism and diabetes could be treated successfully by replacing specific hormones. These initial triumphs formed the foundation of the clinical specialty of endocrinology.History and development of Endocrinology (3)Advances in cell biology, molecular biology, and genetics over the ensuing years began to help explain the mechanisms of endocrine diseases and of hormone secretion and action. Although these advances have embedded endocrinology into the framework of molecular cell biology, they have not changed the essential subject of endocrinology _____the signaling that coordinates and controls the functions of multiple organs and processes. 内分泌学发展三个阶段腺体内分泌学 Organic Endocrinology组织内分泌学 Histological Endocrinology分子内分泌学 Moleculer Endocrinology 内分泌系统内分泌腺脏器内分泌组织激素体液调节系统(包括旁分泌、自分泌)代谢过程脏器功能生长发育生殖衰老一、内分泌系统的组成1、腺体: 松果体---褪黑素 下丘脑---垂体促激素的释放或/和抑制激素如 TRH,CRH等 垂体--- TSH,ACTH,GnRH,GH,PRL 及 细胞因子等 甲状腺---甲状腺激素(T3和T4)及降钙素 甲状旁腺--- PTH胸腺---一系列胸腺激素肾上腺--- 皮质:糖皮质激素、盐皮质激素和性激素 髓质:儿茶酚胺类(E、NE及Dopamine) 与肾上腺髓质素(Adrenomedullin)胰腺--- ?-细胞:胰高糖素; ?-细胞:胰岛素; D细胞:生长抑素; PP细胞:胰多肽; 其它细胞:VIP及Gastrin等 性腺---卵巢和睾丸(雄激素、


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