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PAGE . . . . . . 毕业设计(论文) 题目: 一个包过滤型防火墙软件的开发 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 专 业: 指导教师: 2011 年 6 月 一个包过滤型防火墙软件的开发 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 所在院(系): 指导教师: 完成日期: 2010年6月 一个包过滤型个人防火墙软件的开发 摘 要 随着病毒、木马、黑客攻击等问题的出现,网络安全形势日渐严峻,网络安全产品也被人们重视起来。防火墙作为最早出现的网络安全产品和使用量最大的安全产品,也受到用户和研发机构的青睐。防火墙放置在外部网络与计算机之间作为隔离设备,可以识别并屏蔽非法请求,有效防止跨越权限的数据访问。 本文使用VC++ 6.0作为开发工具实现了一个包过滤型个人防火墙软件。系统主要包括两大模块,一是核心模块设计,即DLL工程,实现了封包截获、管制动作和协议封包的解析任务。其中实现网络封包截获功能主要是利用Winsock 2 SPI技术,此后再利用控管规则对过往封包进行合法性检查和过滤,方法是首先利用Winsock 2 SPI技术建立winsock钩子,用它来截获winsock的调用,然后作出相应动作处理,动作处理需通过控管规则的检查后,确定socket连接是否允许通过,而控管规则由用户层设置;二是用户模块设计,即EXE工程,实现用户界面和负责与DLL模块的通信,提供了3个主要界面,即封包监视、控管规则、控管规则设置。最后通过测试和应用,基本达到了预期的设计,解决了终端用户的网络连接安全问题。 关键词: 网络安全;网络协议封包;个人防火墙;动态链接库;Winsock 2 SPI; The Design of A Personal Firewall Based on Packet Filter Abstract With computer viruses, Trojans, hacker attacks and other problems, the network security situation is increasingly grim, network security products are also paid attention. Network firewall appeared as the first security products and be used most widely, are concerned by the user and R D institutions of all ages. Place a firewall between the external network and the computer as an isolation device that can identify and shielding illegal request, it’s can effectively prevent access to data across the authority. This article uses the VC + + 6.0 as a development tool to implement a packet filter-based personal firewall software. System includes two modules, one core module design, the DLL project to achieve the packet capture, control actions and agreements packet parsing tasks. In which the main function for network packet capture is the use of Winsock 2 SPI technology, this use of control rules in the past then the legitimacy of the packet inspection and filtering, the method is to first use of technology to establish winsock Winsock 2 SPI hook, use it to intercept winsock cal


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