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期末复习阅读理解专题练 一(2018秋深外) Now available at Franklin Park one block from Indiana University. New unfurnished apartments. One bedroom at $13 , two bedrooms at $1 , three bedrooms at $170 per month. Utilities (公用设施)included except electricity. Children and pets welcome. One months deposit required. Office open Monday through Saturday nine to five. Call 999-741 for an evening or Sunday appointment. 61. According to this advertisement, a one-bedroom apartment would require a deposit of. A. $270 B. $170 C. $1 D, $13 62. From this advertisement we can guess that. A. the apartments are far from Indiana University B. the apartments have furniture in them C. gas and water bills are included in the rent D. cats and dogs are not permitted in the apartments 63. The advertisement implies that interested persons must. A. see the apartments on Monday or Saturday B. call for an appointment if they want to see the apartments from nine to five Monday through Saturday. C. call for an appointment if they want to see the apartments on Sunday or in the evening D. see the apartments before five oclock any day 二(2018秋深外) Grandma was a wonderful storyteller, and she had a set of priceless, individually tailored stories with which American grandparents of her day brought up children. There was the story of the little boys who had been taught complete, quick obedience. One day when they were out on the grassy plain, their father shouted, “Fall down on your faces!n They did, and the terrible fire swept over them and they werent hurt. There was also the story of three boys at school, each of whom received a cake sent from home. One saved his, and the mice ate it; one ate all of his, and he got sick ; and who do you think had th



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