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Ericsson Compensation Benefit 爱立信薪酬体系 2002年9月18日 ;Ericsson Compensation Benefit 爱立信薪酬体系 ; What are Ericsson’s business measurements? 爱立信业务的衡量尺度? (它随着公司业务的转变而变化,去年可能是净销售额、客户满意度、现金流,今年则是订单数量和应收帐款等) ;The business measurements decide the cB strategy 业务的衡量尺度决定公司薪酬体系的战略 (如奖励机制中目标的制定直接与业务战略相关) ;Why HR need to look at money? 人力资源为什么向“钱”看? ; Net sales per employee 人均净销售额 Net sales 净销售额 total no. of employees 员工总数 ;Employee cost vs OPEX 员工费用/营运费用 ;How to build HR management into business process? 如何把HRM建立到业务流程? ;Key elements of HR operation 人力资源运作的关键要素;Motivation characteristics of Successful Companies 成功企业激励机制的特点 ;MOTIVATION激励机制 ; Compensation Benefit 薪酬体系 ; 仁者见仁,智者见智的薪酬体系 ;CB Program Management Cycle 薪酬体系管理流程;Factors to be considered in CB Strategy 薪酬战略的考虑因素;CB Objectives 薪酬目标;Key Elements of CB 薪酬福利的关键要素;IPE - International Position Evaluation IPE - 国际职位评估系统 ; The Four IPE Factors IPE 的四个要素 ; Factor 1: Impact 影响力; Factor 2: Communication 沟通;Factor 3: Innovation 创新精神;Factor 4: Knowledge 知识技能;Steps to set IPE System 设定IPE的步骤;CB Package 薪酬内容;CB Package Designing Principles 薪酬设计原则;Externally Competitive 外部竞争力;Who are our reference? 我们和谁比较?;Overall Variance 总述 2002 April fixed salary is 3% and 2% higher than 2001 April and 2001 October respectively. 2002年4月市场工资比2001年4月和10月分别增长了3%和2%。;;Internally Equitable 内部公平性;Cost Affordable Appropriate 成本承受力及合理性;Understandable 员工及公司的认同性;Efficient to administer 便于操作;Base Salary Setting 基本工资设定;Salary Structure Setting 工资结构的设定;Salary Policy Line 工资线;Midpoint-to-midpoint Differential 中值之间的差别;Range Spread幅度范围;Range Overlap 范围重叠;Factors Influence Salary Revision 影响个人工资调整的因素;Incentive Setting 奖金设定;Incentive vs Guaranteed Pay 奖金与固定薪酬的比重;Incentive Objectives Setting 奖金目标的设定 -Sales Incentive销售奖金;2001;Based on 5 business perspectives of financial, customer, employee, innovation, internal efficiency, Y2K 基于财务、客户、员工、创新、效率等5个方面,以及Y2K。 25% of financial objectives, 75% of KPIs with financ


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