AS2033-2008 国外国际规范.pdf

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AS/NZS 2033:2008 A S / N Z S 2 0 3 3 : 2 0 0 8 Australian/New Zealand Standard™ Installation of polyethylene pipe systems 8 0 0 2 l u J 2 1 n o A I L A R T S U A H T U O S F O Y T I S R E V I N U y b d e s s e c c A AS/NZS 2033:2008 This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee PL-006, Polyolefin Pipe Systems. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 10 April 2008 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 9 April 2008. This Standard was published on 19 May 2008. The following are represented on Committee PL-006: AUSTAP Certification Interests (Australia) CSIRO Manufacturing Infrastructure Technology Energy Networks Association Engineers Australia Master Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers New Zealand New Zealand Water and Waste Association Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia Plastics New Zealand Water Services Association of Australia Keeping Standards up-to-date Standards are living documents which reflect progre


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