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Script Cost,Insurance and freight,到岸价 当然,没问题 信用证,外贸上收汇用的。 Mr.Liang : Great.aon our side,well ensure promptsshipment so as to be sure your products get to the market in your area quickly. Mr.Dobson:Appreciate your cooperation.I can envisage a sustainable and long-term relationship ahead.We can promise therell be no problem with the payment.But I hope you can offer us more favorable conditions for later transactions. Mr.Liang : Of course.If these transactions prove successful and satisfactory,we can discuss many things later on right? Mr.Dobson:Yes.Then lets call it a deal. Mr.Liang : Yes,and now lets go and celebrate. Exercises Watch the video .Pay attention to the terms of payment proposed by the buyer and the seller respectively and their responses to each other.Then complete the following flow chart on page141. Unit 5 Delivery Word Tips Viewing 4 2 3 Contents Synopsis Introduction to Delivery 1 5 Exercises Delivering goods on time is very important to the buyer because of the need to catch the season. 按时交货对卖方来说非常重要,因为买方要确保不错过商品的销售季节。 On the other hand,it takes time for the seller to arrange production after signing the contract. 卖方在签完合同之后安排生产也需要一定的时间。 Sometimes it is not easy to reach a point to the satisfaction of both parties. 有时达成买卖双方都满意的交货条件并非易事。 Delivery Synopsis Mr.Aubery is the Important Manager of a Canadian company. The buyer Mr.Hall is the Export Manager of an American company. The seller Due to hurricane,Mr.Halls factory has difficulty in meeting an early delivery date.He is trying to settle on a new delivery date with Mr.Aubery. The setting Word Tips Viewing Replay Script Mr.Hall:Well,Mr.Aubery,lets move on to the next point,shall we? Mr.Aubery : OK.Its the question of the delivery date. Mr.Hall:Whats your deadline? Mr.Aubery : September20th.We really have to insist on that because we have a very strict timetable.Its essential for us to have it before the 30th,otherwise Mr.Hall:Yes,of course.But let me explain the


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