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Practice :questions Moloney What is your job? why do you like Xerox? How long have you been working for Xerox? What was your first job for Xerox? What are you responsible for now? Where are you based ? How do you like your working environments? What is your main role? What is your way of working ?how do you like it? 优选 * Which one do you like better, cash rewards or noncash rewards? Does Xerox recognize the people who put in the added effort? Do you like working abroad with this company? Can I know what your career goal is? What would you like to do in the future? 优选 * Palmer What is your job? When did you join Xerox? How long have you been as the group resources director? How do you think of Xerox? Can you introduce sth about the HR of Xerox? How many staff members are there in the head office? Does Xerox has any other office in the UK? 优选 * 常见的与take搭配的短语: 1. take…with a pinch of salt 2. take care of 3. take(Carole Palmer) 4. Took part in 5. take on 承担 6. Take sth seriously 优选 * A letter of application Questions Have you ever applied for a job? Can you elicit the process? Where did you find out about the job? Did you have to write a letter or fill in a form? 优选 * Contents The tips for writing Sentence patterns Complete the application letter Writing a letter 优选 * Writing: A Letter of Application 1. 在信中你必须简要表达你对应聘工作感兴趣的原因。 2. 告诉收信人你是从何处获悉招聘信息,例如报纸广告或电台、广告牌等。 3. 告诉对方你的教育背景、工作经验,甚至是与此有关的个人兴趣、嗜好等。如果刚离开校门,也不妨告诉对方你曾做过何种暑期兼职工作,虽然并不一定有关联,但起码向对方表示你具有一定的工作能力。 4. 提供你的个人资料,例如年龄、种族、婚姻情况、兴趣爱好、你所参与的团体活动等。 5. 必要的话提供两三个推荐人的姓名及其电话号码。他们对你的为人及工作情况应有所了解,最好是你的前雇主或以前的老师。 6. 表示你很想获得面试机会,如果你前去面试的时间有所限制,也需于信中说明,但不要把时间限制得太紧。 7. 措辞要礼貌,但不要太过分谦卑或拐弯抹角。表达尽量显得客观,不要过于自夸品学兼优、工作态度认真等,这些应该是推荐人说的话,不是你自己说的话。 8. 以上内容要根据实际情况进行增删。 优选 * 求职信常用的句式表达: Beginning 开头 (1)With reference to your advertisement in (newspaper) of May 2 for a clerk, I offer myself for the post. (2)In reply to your advertisement in today’s (newspaper) for an accountant, I am writing to apply for the post. (3)I should like to


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