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论我国收入分配制度的改革 摘 要 上世纪90年代后期,由于城镇居民失业、下岗,农民收入增长缓慢,社会分配两极化 趋势愈加明显。而富起来的这部分人中少数人是通过不合理或不合法甚至是犯罪手段致富 的。这一切都成为潜在的社会不稳定因素。于是现代经济社会面临这样的两难抉择:究竟 是以效率为主要目标,还是以公平为主要目标?针对目前存在的个人收入分配差距过大的 问题,政府不能无所作为,而应根据收入分配问题产生的原因,采取必要的手段予以调整, 完善个人收入、土地收益、社会保障等的分配,不断缩小贫富差距,在经济持续健康发展 的同时,提高群众的保障水平,探索一条全体人民共同富裕的道路,使改革开放发展的成 果惠及绝大多数群众。 关键词: 收入;公平;效率;分配制度 I 华东交通大学本科生毕业论文 ABSTRACT Since the end of 1990s,the polarization of community distribution has been increasingly distinctness,for town cities out of work and countrymen incoming increase slowly.moreover,he handful of people who become richer were via the way of unconscionable or misdeed to get money.All this become the instability factor laten in the society.and then modern ecnomic society is confronted with such delimma:which should be the most important aim,equity or efficiency? Contrapose the problem of wider gap of induvidual income distribution,the gavernments should not just attempt and accomplish nothing.They should take essential measures to give adjustment:perfect induvidual income ,ground lucre,social security and so on,according to cause to income distribution problem. Consequently, continually reduce income gap and improve the ecnomic,at the same time quest a way to the affluent for all the social people and to make the harvest of reform and openning benefit the mass. Key words :Income; Equity; Efficient; Distribution System II 论我国收入分配制度的改革 目 录 1 收入分配与公平效率的概述1 1.1 公平状况的衡量:基尼系数和贫困指数 1


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