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四川省成都市2018届九年级英语上学期期中试题 注意事项: 1. 本场考试时间为120分钟,试卷分为听力和笔试两部分,共计150分。 2. 请将A卷选择题答案按题号顺序填涂在答题卡上,其中A卷听力31-40题的答案按要求写在A卷答题上;请把B卷答案按序号写在答题卷的指定区域和位置内,否则不得分。 听力出题人:文娜 审题人:刘竹 笔试出题人:张寻寻、吴丹、张熙 审题人:龙瑾 A 卷 (75 marks) Part I Listening(40 marks) I. Listen to 5 questions or sentences and choose the correct response according to what youve heard from the tape. Each question or sentence will be read just once. (5 marks) 1. A. Its for opening bottles. B. Its for sending faxes. C. Its for taking photos. D. Its for washing yourself. 2. A. Yes, I can speak it well. B. No, I cant. C. No, I am sorry I cant. D. I cant speak it at all. 3. A. You turn on the switch. B. You turn the knob. C. You turn the switch. D. You press the knob. 4. A. No, I dont move. B. Im afraid I dont agree with you. C. Im sorry Ill move. D. Yes, I can park my car here. 5. A. Sorry, you cant. B. Of course, here you are. Try it on, please. C. We dont have a large size. D. This one is OK. Can you try it again. II. Listen to five short dialogues and choose the correct answers to the questions. Each dialogue will be read just once. (5 marks) 6. A. Walmart B. home C. the garage D. the petrol station 7. A. playing B. wasting time C. studying hard D. travelling 8. A. casual clothes B. his school uniform C. jeans and T-shirts D. fashionable clothes 9. A. when youre late B. when the building is on fire C. when there is an earthquake(地震) D. when the building is falling down 10. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday III. Listen to a passage and judge the following statements true or false. If its true, choose A; if its false, choose B. The conversation will be read twice. (5 marks) 1 11. Women can drive cars in every country except in Saudi Arabia now. 12. Saudi famili


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