2019 2020新教材高中英语Unit4StageandscreenPeriodⅣWriting课件外研版必修第二册.ppt

2019 2020新教材高中英语Unit4StageandscreenPeriodⅣWriting课件外研版必修第二册.ppt

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本单元的写作项目是读后续写, 主题为电影影评。 同学们在课余生活中, 一定看过不少令你印象深刻的电影吧。无论是那些令你记忆犹新的剧情、精 彩的对白或者是某个演员的精湛演技都给你带来了令人愉快的视觉盛宴。 在续写电影影评时要注意以下几点: 1 .要明白故事的发展进程、前因后果、地理位置变化、人物特征和情感 态度等。 2 .要顺着文章的思路,根据既有线索,发挥想象,对其后的情节进行合 理预测,并用英语表达出来。 3 . 想象要合理简单, 不要过于复杂, 中心主题一定要围绕“真善美”等 正向的价值观积极地去展开。 1 .开头常用句式 ① Have you seen the latest Tarantino movie? 你看过塔伦蒂诺最新的电影吗? ② The action takes place in France. 这个故事发生在法国。 ③ I like films with plenty of action. 我喜欢情节曲折离奇的影片。 ④ She has starred with many leading actors. 她曾与许多大牌演员一起担任主角。 2 .主体段落常用句式 ① Julia Roberts is a famous Hollywood star. 茱莉娅 · 罗伯茨是著名的好莱坞明星。 ② The hotel is popular with movie stars. 这家酒店很受电影明星的喜爱。 ③ Other members of the cast include Johnny Depp and Danny DeVito. 剧组的其他成员包括约翰尼 · 德普和丹尼 · 德维托。 ④ The play will be performed by an all- female company. 该剧将由一个女子剧团表演。 3 .结尾常用句式 ① The final episode will be shown next Sunday. 最后一集将于下周日播放。 ② She's not only a great dramatic actress but she's also very funny. 她不仅是一位伟大的女戏剧演员,而且也很幽默。 ③ She acts well but she hasn't got star quality . 她演得不错,但缺少成为一个明星的素质。 ④ She was the star of many popular television series. 她在许多受观众喜爱的电视连续剧中担任过主角。 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 A v atar ( 阿凡达 ) truly marks the coming age of 3D cinema with its pure technology,_special effects, beautiful finesse, aesthete, shock, fearfulness and eye for detail. The idea of James_Cameron to create a whole new world with creatures, flora and fauna flying across the screen is something that actually leaves the audiences in an awe of the bumping up creativity inside the computer. The director's vision inside the Pandora is a pure art that is made more beautiful with the tall and wide eyed people, lush greenery and the post- modern creatures. More than this, it's the violence that has made A v atar a worth watch. Though, it is a simple story that is narrated in a complete straightened manner, the movie's ever


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