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* * 模板来自于 / * ——韩国圣水大桥倒塌事件 ——Seongsu Bridge by--Architectural Engineering Group 4 反思 reflect 工程伦理分析 Ethics In Engineering 事故原因 cause 事故概况 Accident situation 1.大桥简介 Introduction 2.事故现场和伤亡情况 Accident Scene And Casualties 3.事故处理 Handling 01 02 03 04 Contents 目录 建工学院第四小组小组成员 圣水(Sung—Soo)大桥位于韩国汉城东南,跨越汉江,是一座悬臂式的钢桁梁桥,全长1160m,有6个主孔,每孔的跨度为120m。倒塌发生在11号墩与12号墩之间的悬挂(48m)处,该悬臂式桁梁的悬挂跨与伸臂端是用铰作吊挂式连结的,这种铰接方式于20世纪60年代被广泛应用,但有一个缺点是结构缺乏赘余约束。 Sung-Soo Bridge is located in the southeast of Seoul, South Korea. It crosses the Han River. It is a cantilever steel truss bridge with a total length of 1160m and six main holes, each with a span of 120m. The collapse occurred at the suspension (48m) between pier 11 and pier 12. The suspension span and the extension end of the cantilever truss beam are connected by hinges. This articulation method was widely used in the 1960s, but one drawback is that the structure lacks redundant constraints. 在跨越汉江的各座桥梁中,圣水大桥是第一座从结构特性和美学上来考虑而设计成焊接桁梁桥。当时韩国限于施工条件,修建这样一座特殊形式的大跨度桥梁是比较困难的,但最终还是选用了这种形式。 Among the bridges across the Hanjiang River, Shengshui Bridge is the first one to be designed as a welded truss bridge considering its structural characteristics and aesthetics. At that time, Korea was limited to construction conditions, so it was difficult to build such a special type of long-span bridge, but ultimately this type of bridge was chosen. 1994年10月21日,随着一声巨响,竣工通车15年的韩国圣水大桥中,一块长达48米的桥板从大桥中段落入江中,6辆汽车包括1辆载满学生及上班族的巴士和1辆载满警员前往庆祝会场地的客货车跌进汉江,导致32人死亡,17人重伤。 On October 21, 1994, with a loud noise, a 48-meter-long bridge slab fell into the river from the middle of the Shengshui Bridge in Korea, which was completed and opened for 15 years. Six cars, including a bus full of students and office workers and a bus full of police officers, fell into the Han River, causing 32 deaths and 17 serious injuries. 如图,圣水大桥桥的上部结构被设计与修建成悬臂式钢朽梁,它的


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