2019 2020高中英语Module6FilmsandTVProgrammes64Writing课件外研版必修.ppt

2019 2020高中英语Module6FilmsandTVProgrammes64Writing课件外研版必修.ppt

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Section Ⅳ Writing 如何写影评 写作指导 写作模板 常用句式 针对训练 影视评论是对一部电影、电视剧或戏剧的内容、故事、演员的 演技等进行评论的文章。 影视评论一般由前言、正文和结尾三部分构成。 1 . 前言说明影片或戏剧的基本情况 ( 片名、制片、导演、主要演 员等 ) 、背景资料、中心思想等。 2 . 正文一般是作者用自己的语言简单地叙述整个电影或戏剧的 故事 , 然后进行评论。 3 . 结尾是作者对电影或戏剧做出评价、进行推荐等。 写作指导 写作模板 常用句式 针对训练 tells a story about . The film is set in .The actor/actress is . is a great .We teenagers like it. 写作指导 写作模板 常用句式 针对训练 It is set in the 1920s./The story takes place... It is based on a novel/play/book by... It is directed by... The scenery is beautiful;moreover,the background music is perfect in the film. All things considered,this is a masterpiece. The acting is really nice. It is well worth seeing. 写作指导 写作模板 常用句式 针对训练 假设你是李东 , 上周末你和同学们一起观看了电影《唐山大地 震》。请根据下表所提供的信息用英语写一篇 100 词左右的影评。 影片 《唐山大地震》 ( Aftershock ) 导演 冯小刚 主演 徐帆 张静初 主要 情节 以 1976 年唐山大地震为背景 , 讲述了一个四口之家在地 震中的遭遇及震后 32 年中幸存下来的母亲和双胞胎儿女 的生活经历 评价 演员演技高超 , 故事情节感人 注意 :1. 题目和开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 ; 2. 可以适当增加细节 , 以使行文连贯。 写作指导 写作模板 常用句式 针对训练 Reviews on Aftershock Last week,I,together with my classmates,saw the film Aftershock . 写作指导 写作模板 常用句式 针对训练 参考范文 Reviews on Aftershock Last week,I,together with my classmates,saw the film Aftershock . It was directed by Feng Xiaogang,a famous Chinese director. The film is set in the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake.It tells a story about a family of four.During the earthquake,the father died and the rest of the family survived.But the earthquake has changed their lives.The film follows the lives of the mother and her twin children over the next 32 years. Xu Fan and Zhang Jingchu star in this film.Their acting is excellent.I was deeply moved by the plot of the film. In a word,the film is moving and it s well worth seeing.



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