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drink vi. Don’t drink and drive. vt. drink water/milk/tea/juice/beer/wine n. go for a drink have a drink of … cold/soft drink 也应重视名词的搭配 habit a good/bad ~ eating/learning ~s have/get/become/change a habit grade 1 年级 2 mark in school get a grade A—get a good grade get good grades Continued result the result of the survey/research/exam show good/bad results program see/watch a ~ difference a big/small ~ can tell/see the ~ (between …) Continued health good/excellent/poor ~ Her health is good/excellent/poor. be/keep in good health be good/bad for your health a health problem Time Knowledge The Forgetting Curve 如何与遗忘作斗争 多用! 单词的复习巩固应贯穿到听、说、读、写等各个环节 给语境(搭配,惯用语,句子惯用语) 多练习一义多种表达法 Example: 我妈身体健康。 My mom is/stays/keeps healthy/fit. She is/keeps/stays in good health. My mom’s health is good. 2、听力:常见问题 对听力教学的过程体现不够 对听力策略重视不够 对听力内容挖掘不够 建议 1 体现听力教学过程 听前:预热、准备,词汇,背景 听中:Take notes. Ask questions. 听后: 听说结合:分角色表演、复述听力内容; 听写结合 :仿写对话;将听力改写成 叙事短文 2 渗透听力策略教学 记笔记 听关键词 推断生词意思 推断说话者关系,发生场景等 精听与泛听相结合 训练听力材料 课本 网络资源 普特英语听力 新概念英语(New Concept English) 3 深度挖掘听力材料 Example: Section A, 2a, 2b Questions: How many people are talking? What is their possible relationship? Does the man like watching TV? Does the man love reading? Does the man like to exercise? What kind of man do you think the man is? 朗读、背诵 对于一般学生:根据听力材料仿写对话 给结构:how often …? 对于优秀学生:转述听力内容 e.g., Book 3, Unit 1, P85 The reporter asks Cheng some questions about his free time activities. Cheng watches TV twice a week. He loves reading and he reads every day at school. He goes to the movies once a month. He likes exercising and he exercises three times a week. He doesn’t like shopping and he shops about twice a month. 口语 任务前:活动目的,分组,组员角色安排 任务中:充足时间演练 任务后:给学生展示的机会,有效评价 好课的特征: 一定有心与心之间的交流 一定有学生创造性的产出 Who’s the heathiest? Activity Frequency Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 How often do you e


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