人教英语必修一练习:nit 3 ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.docVIP

人教英语必修一练习:nit 3 ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.doc

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eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 品句填词 1.Alice can take care of the children. She’s very reliable(可靠的). 2.Mary enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath her feet. 3.The view from the top of the tower is wonderful. 4.After a long journey, he got to the village at midnight(午夜). 5.The flames(火焰) were growing higher and higher. 6.According to the weather forecast, it will be rainy tomorrow. 7.John was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. 8.When the water boils, add the meat and potatoes. 9.Hi,Wang Dong!There is a parcel(包裹)from Guangdong for you. 10.You’d better buy the travel insurance(保险) in case something bad happens. eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅱ) 选词填空 as usual; can’t wait to go; graduate from; be fond of; care about; give in; ever since; dream about 1.Dr. Wang doesn’t care about money, and he only likes doing his research. 2.I graduated from high school and started my new life at university last year. 3.Mr. Wang’s daughter likes music and dreams about becoming a famous musician. 4.Because neither side was ready to give in, no agreement was reached. 5.My mother is fond of country music, while my father likes pop music. 6.I haven’t seen the Greens ever since they moved to Canada. 7.My father promised to take me to Beijing this summer vacation. I can’t wait to go there now. 8.Although I got up with a headache, I went to work as usual. eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅲ) 完成句子 1.苏珊已经下定决心赢得这场比赛,因此她每天都刻苦训练。 Susan has made up her mind to win the match,so she trains hard every day. 2.一旦你对别人撒谎,你就会失去他们对你的信任。 Once you lie to others, you will lose their trust. 3.南希在最后一刻改变了主意,因此上周末她没去海南。 Nancy changed her mind at the last minute, so she didn’t go to Hainan last weekend. 4.他打开窗户欣赏湖的美景。 He opened the window to enjoy the beautiful view of the lake. 5.无论谁违背规则,都将受到惩罚。 No matter who breaks the rules, he will be punished. 6.她如此兴奋以至于整晚睡不着。 She was so excited that she stayed awake all night. eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 单句语法填空 1.My father always encourages me to stick(stick) to my plan and promise. 2.John is very reliable(rely)



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