人教英语必修一练习:nit 4 ection Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.docVIP

人教英语必修一练习:nit 4 ection Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.doc

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eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 品句填词 1.Balloons make me nervous—I hate it when they burst. 2.I was shocked that he could be so careless that he lost the key. 3.He said working too hard was injuring his health. 4.The door was locked and they were trapped in the building. 5.(2019·陕西西安长安一中高一上期中)Because of the global warming, there are more and more natural disasters(灾难). 6.No one was injured in the explosion, but the building was completely destroyed(破坏). 7.After learning that the boys had been lost for almost 20 hours, the police sent out a rescue(营救) team to look for them. 8.Many important events(事件) happening in our university are recorded in the book. 9.Although horses do not generally mind the cold, shelter from rain and wind is important. 10.We moved into a small room with electricity(电) but no running water. eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅱ) 单句改错 1.However, the extremely weather in Africa didn’t make them change their decision to help those in need there.extremely→extreme 2.As China develops fast and steady, a number of foreigners is learning Chinese as a second language.is→are 3.She is always talking as though she knows everything under the sun.knows→knew 4.This is one of the worst natural disaster ever to hit the area.disaster→disasters 5.Two days later, the fighting between the two countries left the area in ruin.ruin→ruins 6.The number of unemployed people in Poland have grown by more than a quarter in the last month.have→has eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅲ) 课文语法填空 Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. However, the one million people of the city, 1.who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. At 3:42 am everything began to shake and a 2.powerful(power) earthquake happened. It lasted fifteen seconds, 3.causing(cause) great damage to everything. The whole city lay in 4.ruins(ruin). The suffering of the people was extreme. The number of people who were killed or 5.seriously(serious) injured reached over 400,000. Everywhere they looked nearly everything 6.w



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