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学 海 无 涯 大学英语第四册期末复习材料 Unit 1 Cloze There are many paths to greatness. Some people go down in history for their 1)_influential___ political leadership. Others are remembered for spectacular scientific 2)_breakthroughs___ for composing great symphonies, or writing 3)__brilliant__ poetry. But whatever path they take, great people seem to 4)__share__ a few common characteristics. They are relentlessly 5)_optimistic___ and persistent; they have both intellectual skills and the ability to work well with other people; and they love their work. In fact, 6)__for__ these people, work is more like an obsession than a job.Of course, many of the questions about greatness 7)_remain___ unanswered. What roles so genetics and environment 8)_play___ in the question? How can we know who among our 9) contemporaries will be remembered as great and which people, though famous today, will be 10)__forgotten__ in the future? It’s also possible that our 11)__view__ of who is great is not always fair or accurate. For example, the 12)_achievenment___ of women are not recognized as often as they should be. Finally, we can’t even be 13)_sure___ if it is really good to be great. Maybe the happiest people are the normal ones. Normal people aren’t endowed 14)___with_ what it takes to be great, but they also don’t have to worry 15)_about___ the burdens of history. 汉译英 If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an relenting drive to succeed. 西蒙顿说,如 果事业上取得巨大成就者具有什么共性的话,那就是一种持续不断追求成功的动力 “There is an tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal,” 人们往往 认为他们具备一些超常非凡的东西he explained. “But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. It’s a difference in degree. 但研究表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。有的只是程度上的差 异而已Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion.”


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