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Mental Rotation Test汉化版 ⼼理旋转测试 This is a test of your ability to look at a drawing of a given object and find the same object within a set of dissimilar objects. The only difference between the original objects and the chosen object will be that they are presented at different angles. An illustration of this principle is given below, where the same single object is given in five different positions. Look at each of them to satisfy yourself that they are only presented at different angles from one another. 这个测试考察你在⼀组物体中找出给定物体的能⼒。 给定的物体和你要找到的物体之间,唯⼀的区别是它们以不同的⻆度呈现。 下⾯将对这⼀原理进⾏说明。 下⾯给出了五张图⽚,仔细观察它们,可以发现它们展现的其实是同⼀个物体,只 不过旋转了⼀定的⻆度。 Below are two drawings of new objects. They cannot be made to match the above five drawings. Please note that you may not turn over the objects. Satisfy yourself that they are different from the above. 下⾯是两个新的图⽚,仔细观察,它们与上⾯的五张图⽚展示的并不是同⼀个物 体。 Now lets do some sample problems.For each problem there is a primary object on the far left. You are to determine which two of four objects to the right are the same object given on the far left. In each problem always two of the four drawings are the same object as the one on the left. You are to put Xs in the boxes below the correct ones, and leave the incorrect ones blank. The first sample problem is done for you. 现在让我们来做⼀个例⼦。 最左边给出了⼀个物体,右边给出了四张图⽚,其中有两张图⽚与左边的图⽚展示 的是同⼀个物体。第⼀个和第三个。勾选正确的图⽚下⽅的⽅框。第⼀个示例问题 我们已经替你完成了。 Do the rest of the sample problems yourself. Which two drawings of the four on the right show the same objects as the one on the left? There are always two and only two correct answers for each problem. Put an X under the two correct drawings. 剩下的问题你⾃⼰来尝试⼀下,右边的四张图⽚和最左边的图⽚展示的是同⼀个物 体吗? 记住,每道题总有2个正确答案。 Answer: (1)first and second drawing are correct (2) first and third drawing are correct (3) second and third drawing are correct 答案: 第⼀题:第⼀个和第⼆个是对的 第⼆题:第⼀个和第三个是对的 第三题:第⼆个和第三个是对的 This test has two parts. You will have 3 minutes for each of the two p


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