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海洋经济 Oceanic Economy 定义:人类在开发利用海洋资源过程中的生产、经营、管理等活动的 总称。 Definition: Oceanic economy involves the production, operation and management based onthe use of oceanic resources. 现代海洋经济包括为开发海洋资源和依赖海洋空间而进行的生 产活动,以及直接或间接为开发海洋资源及空间的相关服务性产业活 动,这样一些产业活动而形成的经济集合均被视为现代海洋经济范 畴。主要包括海洋渔业、海洋交通运输业、海洋船舶工业、海盐业、 海洋油气业、滨海旅游业。 Contemporary oceanic economy mainly involves the production based and business operation based on direct or indirect development of oceanic resources, which ranges from oceanic fishing industry, Shipbuilding Industry, sea salt industry to Offshore oil and gas industry and coastaltourism industry. 海洋经济中的游艇经济 Yachting industry 游艇经济属于海洋船舶工业、滨海旅游业等相关产业的一部分, 下面让我们一起分析游艇经济的具体发展形势。 Yachting industry originates from shipbuilding industry and coastal tourism industry, the growth and development of yachting industry will be elaborated inthe following. 游艇经济的分析 The analysis of yachting industry 世界游艇经济发展阶段 The development of yachting industry worldwide 游艇、高尔夫、私人飞机,被世界公认休闲业含金量最高的三大 领域。 世界游艇经济发展经历了三个阶段: Yacht, golf, and private airplane are considered the top three causal activities and facilities worldwide. The development of worlds yachting industry has gone throughthree phases. 第一阶段:游艇私人消费阶段。游艇素有海上行宫之称,世界上最早 的游艇诞生于三百多年以前的英国。自那时起,游艇就成为西方上流 社会地位和身份的标志。 Phase 1: yachts are purchased as personal properties to show royal and upper class status. 第二阶段:游艇会 (或游艇俱乐部)消费阶段。 Phase 2:Yachts appear inyacht clubs or organizations. 第三阶段:游艇的大众消费阶段。这一阶段是游艇经济发展的深度延 展阶段,游艇经济由于显著的综合经济效应,成为一个地区经济发展 程度的一种标志。 Phase 3: Yachts can be affordable by more people, which is considered a symbolthat suggests a degree of economic development. 游艇经济产业链 Yachting industrial chain 游艇经济完整的产业链为,从游艇制造到游艇俱乐部的服务、再 到与游艇相关的度假、休闲、旅游及各种商务活动,并包括游艇驾照 培训和考核、专用码头建设和管理、游艇维修、俱乐部建设和运营管 理、零配件制造、内部环境装修、专业保险等。 Yachting industry


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