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* 假如你是Ann,你的美国朋友Alice写信给你,想了解中国 的节日春节,请你给她回封信简单介绍一下春节。内容 如下: 1.春节是最重要的古老的传统节日。历史悠久,可以追溯 到殷商时期; 2.春节的习俗:家人团聚、贴对联、燃放烟花爆竹、 走亲访友等; 3.邀请Alice来中国过春节。 注意:1.要点全面,可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 词数:100左右; 对联:couplet 2.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 3.开头和结束语已写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Alice, How is everything going? I’m writing in response to the letter which you asked me about the Spring Festival. 作文解析: 有钱没钱,回家过年。千里迢迢,旅途漫漫,奔波劳碌,过年为界!春节,让亿万中国人民一直魂牵梦绕,牵肠挂肚,也是分量最沉重的字眼,历史悠久,人文并蓄,神话传说,源远流长,美好期待,回味悠长…… 言归正传:传统文化,节日介绍;中国春节,历史悠久;老生常谈,贴近学生;贴近生活,贴近时代。 简单介绍,邀请友人,宣我中华,示爱友邦。 即墨二中版 Dear Alice, How is everything going? I’m writing in response to the letter which you asked me about the Spring Festival. As we all know, the Spring Festival is the most important and oldest Chinese traditional festival. It has a long history, which can date from the Yin-Shang Period. There are many customs about it and they can be listed as follows. First, people will return home for family reunion wherever they’re. Second, people like sticking couplets to their doors and lightening some firecrackers because they can add much atmosphere to the festival. What’s more, it’s a good chance for people to visit their friends and relatives and so on. By the way, I’d like to invite you to experience the Spring Festival in China. Only in this way can you understand it better. (114words) I’m looking forward to hearing good news from you. Yours, Ann 头脑风暴---其他思路和美句: Some people like setting fire to firecrackers very much, especially for boys. 2.People will buy many presents and give them to their loved ones. 3.It’s a great moment for family reunion. 4.People will prepare a delicious and great dinner in the evening. 5.Children like the Spring Festival very much because they can get a lot of lucky money/new year money. 6.Not only does the Spring Festival mean a long winter vacation for the children but also it means a l


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