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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 PAGE 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 郑州成功财经学院本科生毕业论文 企业并购财务风险与防范研究 —以吉利并购沃尔沃为例 系部名称 管理学系 姓  名 学  号 专  业 财务管理 指导教师 张卫丽 2015年4月30日 摘 要 随着经济发展,很多企业将并购作为自身发展的一大途径。企业并购的规模化、市场化越来越高,向国际经济趋势相靠拢,企业并购已成为提高核心竞争力,促进企业可持续稳定发展的重要手段。众所周知,国内外每年有大量的企业进行并购,并且数量和金额逐年增加,然而并非所有的并购结果都能达到预期目的,也具有很高的失败率。针对企业并购不容乐观的现状,探讨企业并购中存在的风险以及如何防范风险具有重大的意义。财务风险作为企业并购风险的一种类型,具有不确定性和复杂性,众多的并购活动以失败告终与财务风险密不可分,探讨企业并购存在的财务风险以及如何去防范风险具有重大意义。目前我国的一些企业在并购中没能较好得运用风险控制方法去防范风险,导致并购失败率增加,给企业带来经济损失。为此,论文以企业并购财务风险与防范研究为题展开研究。 本文准备从并购各阶段着手分析,贯穿整个并购的开始到结束,使分析框架不间断完整地呈现。其中能将财务风险细化的就进一步细化,从审查风险(分为前期调查风险与后期审核风险)、评估风险(分为估价风险与定价风险)、交易风险和整合风险等方面进行详细、深入的分析,并提出针对性的解决策略。 关键词:企业并购;财务风险;防范研究;吉利并购沃尔沃 Abstract Along with economic development, many enterprises will be mergers and acquisitions as a way of its own development. The scale of the enterprise merger and acquisition, market is higher and higher, to the international economic trend, ma has become a promote economic growth, the important means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Every year there are a lot of merger cases happened at home and abroad, in the quantity and the merger at the same time, the rapid growth of the sum of is accompanied by a high failure rate of ma. Mergers and acquisitions of actual results with the expected targets have bigger difference, in view of the situation of ma is not optimistic, explore and how to guard against the risk of enterprise ma risk is of great significance. Financial risk as a type of merger and acquisition risk, uncertainty and complexity, many mergers and acquisitions activity in failure is closely connected with financial risk, and to explore the financial risks of enterprise merger and how to prevent risk is of great significance. At present our country some enterprise in ma could not good to use risk control methods to prevent risks, lead to ma failure rate increased, to bring economic loss to enterprises. This paper, with ma financial risk and


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