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Unit 3 My Friends 第一课时 Subject name: Unit 3 My Friends (the first period) Teaching aims: Ⅰ.Knowledge aims: 1.Students can listen, read and understand these new words: friend, long/short hair, strong, thin. 2.Students can master the new sentences: My friend is..., He/She is..., He/She has.... .Ability aims: Students can use these new words and sentences to describe their friends correctly. .Affection aims: Students can care more about their friends and cherish their friendship. Teaching key point: The mastery of new words and sentences. Teaching difficulties: Ⅰ.The pronunciation of new words, especially thin,friends. Ⅱ.To help students understand and use what we learned correctly with the help of some pictures, body language and games. Teaching aids:multimedia computer, PPT, pictures. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming up: 1.Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, Miss Qin. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Sit down, please. 2.Revision Eyes on me! Look, what are on the table? There are books, pens and a bag. Very good. Look, where is my book? Its on the desk. Where is my pen? Its in the chair. ...... Show some cartoon pictures about friends on the screen. Lets look at the screen. There are two pictures. Do you know them? Xi Yangyang and Mei Yangyang. Yes, you are so clever. Do you love them? Yes! I love them very much. You know they are friends. OK, this lesson well learn unit 3 My Friends. (板书: Unit 3 My Friends) Read after to me friend.(板书: friend and read after to me, pay much attention to the pronunciation.) friend.... Through the 2 pictures, can you guess the meaning about friend. 朋友 . Great! Do you know who is my friend? T: Ill tell you. My friend is Lily.( 板书: My friend is....) Practice: Who is your friend? My friend is....(choose one group ask and answer one by one.) Learn new words and sentences: long/short hair, thin, strong,She is..., She has.... T: Boys and girls, today Ill introduce my friend Lily to you.(show a photo of Lily)


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