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1月5日雅思机经真题回忆 听力部分题目概览 Section 1 申请工作填表(新题) 10填空 Secti on 2 防火知识(旧题) 6多选+4匹配 Secti on 3 对一家企业的分析(新题) 6单选+4多选 Section 4 濒危语言研究(旧题) 10填空 概述:这次考试填空题占比正常,难度适中;S1出现4题基本功(日期,电话, 地址,时间),日期涉及年月日信息量较长,加上是第一题学生要跟上音频速度, 另外时间的题目要小心干扰项,地址题注意门牌号有出现字母 ; S1其它的题目单词比较简单都是名词;但是其中一题涉及到动词词组的 ed形 式要小心; S2和S3出现多题单选和多选,题目和选项较长,读题难度较高,学生需要 注意读题速度,匹配题不难,但要小心有大量同义替换出现 ; S4填空答案词难度不高,但出现了形容词的级和名词复数较多,学生要细心, 想要考高分的同学需要多练习填词准确度。 Section 1 新题/旧题:新题 场景:咨询 主题:场景咨询 题型及数量:10填空题 考试题目+ 答案: Date : 8 November 1987 Tel: Address: Flat 22A Circle House with: in sura nee Focus on: locatio n Look ing for job related to: n ewspaper Time to see the house: 9:50 Previous experie nee: clea ning duty Wife had: health problem Will have: in terview 9:50 及 9:50 及 9:15 可参考真题:C6T2S1 Secti on 2 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:教育 主题:家庭防火知识 题型及数量:6多选+4匹配 考试题目+ 答案: 11-16)Multiple Choice 11-12)Which two types of houses are easily getting on fire? build ing made of wood old buildi ngs build ings in poor area/low in come family build ings which are long uno ccupied ren ted accommodati on 13-14)Why the reports of fire cases late? the wit ness thought the case had bee n reported to police most people were asleep people believe they can put out fire first by themselves faculty in structi ons the alarm doesn t work 15-16)Which fire risks people pay least attention to? portable heater cooki ng oil can dle 暂缺 暂缺 17-20)Matchi ng n eed to do regularly n eed to be in stalled especially in big house to be postp oned B. ofte n to be overlooked/forgotte n TOC \o 1-5 \h \z i nstall a smoke alarm B discuss a fire escape plannin ——D alarm cleaning A fire con tact phone service C 考点:多选题和匹配题型的解题方法,同义替换 可参考真题:C8T1S3;C11T2S3 Section 4 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:学术 主题:濒危语言的研究 题型及数量:10填空题 考试题目+ 答案: Need eno ugh materials for Ian guage research Writ ing word in clay tablet was the oldest Sometimes one can guess the meaning of words through the con text of words Collect ing samples of words Some words are on monuments In formati on are mainly n ames Italia n and Greek write in dif


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