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1月17日雅思机经真题回忆 Section 1 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:旅游 主题:酒店册子制作 题型及数量:10填空题 考试题目+ 答案: company name: Central Hotel Chanis letters of address should be bigger the pool should be removed change the desc ription under the top photo to reception use the picture with view / views of the hotel the price / prices should be in red print tran slate into Spanish deadli ne: by the end of July address: no. 9 green drive, Clifft on, NY 21300 teleph one nu mber: 2 考点:题目5, 6单复数暂时有争议,做题需要进行检查,注意基本功的练 习。 可参考真题:C9T3S1;C8T4S2 Secti on 2 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:工作/旅游 主题:图书馆扩建 题型及数量:5单选+5地图匹配 考试题目+ 答案: 11-15)Multiple Choice Why XXX didn t attend today? She s not very well David is the man age director now 暂缺 Disadva ntage of new library? expe nsive ticket lack of publicity inconvenient time What did the man said about theft at library? building facility was destroyed a large nu mber of items were stole n theft already had preparati on and pla ns Why they want to expa nd the library? it has no renovation since it was founded it n eeds to double the nu mber of computers n eed to in crease nu mber of visit ing people The investment of library will be deployed to? extra staff recruit computer light ing 16-20)Map Matchi ng child room-C committee room-E caf e -B academic room-H multimedia room-G 考点:地图题做题方法及方位词的使用 可参考真题:C11T1S2;C11T2S2 Secti on 3 新题/旧题:新题 场景:学术 主题:对牛仔裤流行的研究 题型及数量:待补充 考试题目+ 答案:待补充 考点:待补充 可参考真题:待补充 Section 4 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:发展 主题:UN report in 1987 题型及数量:10填空题 考试题目+ 答案: Lecture aim: the analysis of confusion Sustainability for future generation No much men tio n of en vir onment Poor country should have the same rights as rich country to natural resource Synonym for gree n but n eed time for tech no logy to offer soluti on Susta in able lobby was used for developme nt in nu clear power Example: Take research on Electric cars build up more station on roads in stead of better battery Crop n eed water about 75% In the use of n atural resource: such as sun flowers or wheat which con sumed much less water in


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