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完成句子练习 1、Tom has won the first prize in the math competition; he . (must) 汤姆获得了数学竞赛的一等奖,他一定很聪明。 2、He now. I met him on the playground just now. (be) 他现在不可能在教室,我刚才还看见他在操场上呢。 3、It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones; he In planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand) 很可能巨石王和这些石头相关,他可能参与了纪念碑的规划或协助运输、竖起这些石头。 4、It’s said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they because the ocean in between is too wide. (do) 据说他们从陆地上游到了这个岛上,但是他们不可能做到,因为海面太宽了。 5、If someone tells you something all good without any side effects of the medicine, then she or he must . (tell) 如果有人告诉你这药一切都好,没有任何副作用,那么她或他一定在撒谎。 6、Someone this room yesterday, for my books have been moved. (enter) 昨天,一定有人进过这个房间,因为我的书被动过了。 7、The customer called the waiter and complained that the soup was cold, adding that it ought to In a hot dish. (serve) 那位顾客叫了服务员并抱怨说汤太凉了,还说应该用热盘子盛汤。 8、You to the party yesterday; I had expected you to. (invite) 昨天你应该邀请我参加聚会的,我希望你那么做。 9、He looks sleepy. He must last night, writing the essay. (stay) 他看上去很困,昨天晚上他一定熬夜写论文了。 10、You the parcel home. The shop would have delivered it if you had asked.(carry) 你没有必要扛着包裹回家的,如果你要求过,商店会为你递送的。 11、If my advice, he wouldn’t have lost his job. (follow) 如果他接受了我的建议,就不会失去工作了。 12、If alcohol last night, I could have driven my car home. (drink) 如果我昨天晚上不喝酒的话,就能开车回家了。 13、I’d rather the news. How sad she looks now. (tell) 我宁愿你没有告诉她此消息,她现在看起来非常难过。 14、I feel so sick. I wish Mum to eat so much. (force) 我感到恶心。我希望妈妈没有逼我吃那么多。 15、After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that as scheduled the next day. (land) 绕地球运行了三天后,神州飞船第二天从地面收到命令按期着陆。 16、Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention at the meeting. (dis


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