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As the voltage varies with time, the displacement of charge also varies with time, causing what is known as the displacement current. 当电压随时间的变化、位移电荷也随时间的变化而变化,造成所谓的位移电流。 2)The device capable of doing this is called a capacitor. The ability of a capacitor to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. 该装置能做这项被称为电容。电容器的能力储存电能被称为电容。 Resistance is the capacity of materials to impede the flow of current or, more specifically, the flow of electric charge. 电阻是材料的能力来阻碍电流的流动,或者更确切地说,电荷的流动。 4)Second, a current cannot change instantaneously in an inductor, that is, the current cannot change by a finite amount in zero time. 第二,电流不能改变瞬间在一个电感,也就是说,当前无法改变由有限零时间。 Inductance is the property of oppsing any change of a current flowing through a coil. 电感的属性相对任何一个线圈通过电流的变化。 Oppsing:adj. 反对的;相对的;对面的 | v. 反对 6. Note from Eq(1.4) that the voltage across the terminals of an inductor is proportional to the time rate of change of the current in the inductor. 注意从式(1.4)的电压,一个电感的连接端子是成正比的变率的电感电流。 They occur in many, many applications and make possible circuits and subsystems that perform very useful functions. 他们出现在许多,许多的应用,使可能的电路和子系统,执行非常有用的功能。 8)The cascaded gain and loss through the amplifier/feedback network must be greater than unity 级联增益,并通过放大器/反馈网络的损失必须大于1 In most oscillator circuits, oscillation builds up from zero when power is first applied, under linear circuit operation. 在大多数振荡器电路,建立了振动从零功率时首次应用,在线性电路的操作。 10. It is often encountered in engineering systems and commonly produced by the unbalance in rotating machinery, isolation, earthquakes, bridges, buildings, control and automatization devices, just for naming a few examples. 这是经常遇到在工程系统和普遍的不平衡产生的旋转机械、隔离、地震、桥梁、建筑、控制和自动化设备,只是为了命名的一些例子。 A relaxation oscillator is an oscillator in which a capacitor is charged gradually and then discharged rapidly. 一个弛张振荡器是其中一个电容充电逐步然后迅速排出的振荡器。 12)The capacitor is charged through the resistor, causing the voltage across the capacitor to approach the charging voltage on an exponential curve


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