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As 引导从句归纳总结 一、 as 引 定 从句 一) as 引 限制性定 从句 主要 构有: the same ? as as ?as such ? as so ?as 主句中出 the same, as, such, so 修 先行 ,需 as 做关系代 在定 从句中做主 或 。 1. It ’s the same person as we wanted to find yesterday . 我 昨天要 找的是同一个人。 2. Such girls as he knows are good at English . 他所 的女孩都擅 英 。 3. Do you have such books as we like ? 你有我 喜 那种 ? 4. She will marry as healthy a man as she can find . 她将嫁 她能找到 的任何一个有 人。 5. There is so warm a house as we want to live in . 里有如此暖和的 房子,我 都想住在里面。 6. He has so difficult a problem , as none of us can solve . 他有如此 的一个 ,我 没有人能解决。 二)引 非限制性定 从句 as 引 非限制性定 从句,指代整个主句内容,从句可置于句首,句中或句 尾 As everyone knows ,China is a beautiful country with a long history . 每个人都知道,中国是一个有着悠久 史的美 国家。 2) The earth , as we know , moves round the sun . 地球,我 都知道, 着太阳 。 3) Tom works hard and is willing to help others, as we all know. 母 工作努力,并且 于助人, 一点我 都知道。 非限制性定 从句中的 被 式 ,常用 as 做主 be said/known/announced/reported be mentioned/expected/discussed 1) Grammar , as has been said before, is not a set of dead rules.  法, 就像以前所 ,不是一套死 。 2) As is known to all, Taiwan is part of China . 3) As is illustrated in the picture , one drop of water does not make a sea ;one tree does not make a forest ;one person does not make a society. as 引 非限制性定 从句,有“如,似,正像”的含 ,因此,下列句式多用 as 1) as has been said above 如上所 2) as anybody can see 正像每个人所看到的那 3) as we had expected 正如我 所 料的那 4) Things are not always as they appear. 事情并不一直像他 表面那 。 5) The boy has as much progress as we had expected. 正像我 所 料 的那 , 个男孩取得了大的 步。 二、 as 作从属 用 ,可以引 五种状 从句。 如下: as 表示 “当??的 候 ”,引 状 从句,多 主句和从句中的 作或状 同 生,从句可放在主句前,也可放在主句后。例如: As I waited at the stop , I heard a big noise. 当我在 站等 的 候,我听到一个很大的声响。 She rose up as he entered. 当他 来 ,她站了起来。 as 表示 “因 ”、“由于 ”,引 原因状 从句,其 气不如 because ,通常 附加 明的理由, 且是已知 的原因,主句与从句没有 上的因果关系。例如: As she was not well, I went there alone. 因 她身体不好,所以我独 自到那里去了。 As he is a tailor, he knows what to do with this material. 由于他是 个裁 ,他知道怎 利用 布料。 as 表示 “ 然 ??但是 ??”,引 步状 从句,从句通常用倒装 序,把从句的


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