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我们都知道学习英语口语的关键是语音, 然后是句型。有关英语口语 句型,方向标英语网之前也介绍了很多。 今天方向标英语网为大家编 辑了 20 个英语口语中最常用的句型,希望大家可以经常练习这些句 型,并熟练掌握: 1.People have a growing respect for something 人们对 ......越来越重 视 2.Place a high value on something 人们重视、看中、珍 爱某物 3.Sharpen ones edge 增强竞争力 4.Give sonebady the edge 是某人具有竞争力 5.Play a central role in 其重要作用 6.Something is beneficial(rewarding) 对.....有好处 7.As ....evolves 随着 ......的发展 8.Is becoming increasingly rital 变得越来越重要 1 9.Is becoming increasingly prevalent 变得越来越普遍 10.Generally speaking.......... 11.As we all know...... 12.Nowadays with the development of ....... 13.Peoples views on.......vary from person to person 14.Attitude towards...... 15.It is a proverb says....... 16.Have you ever thought that....... 17.These days we often hear about...... but is this really the case A recent studly provided that 18.Some people think that ...however other think that..... 2 19.Although the popular belief is that...a new survey indicates that.. 20.Although it is widely accepted that..it is unlikely to be true that. 21.It is one thing to believe that..it is quite another to say that.. 22.There are a variety of cause for this extraordinary growth in.... First.....second.....finally.... 23.I fully agree with the stutement that....the reason are chiefly as follows.... 24.Judging from all evidence we may safely draw the concldsion that.. 25.Frow what hava been discussed above we may say that...... 26.All the evidence supports a condusion that..... 27.It is therefore clear that..... 3 So we must be aware of the importance of ....... 28.Since all of us have realized....why not....... 29.It is high time we put an end to .... 30.It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent the situation...... 4


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