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特涂工艺 CARGO TANK LINING PROCEDURE 第1页 共31页 CONTENTS 目录 Page 1. General 总则 3 2. Coating System 油漆配套 6 3. Technical Matters 技术事项 6 4. Working Procedure For The Cargo Tank Coating 特涂施工程序 13 5. Detail Process 具体工艺过程 14 6. Painting Scheme 油漆明细表 25 7. Inspection 检验 25 8. Specific Requirements For Coating Material 油漆原料特殊要求 26 9. Coating Sequence 油漆程序 27 10. Holiday Detection 针孔测试 29 11. Heat Curing of The Coating System 热固化 29 12. Salt Water Test Repair of Defects After Completion 海水浸泡试验及修补 30 13. Acceptance 完工交验 31 14. Safety 安全 32 特涂工艺 CARGO TANK LINING PROCEDURE 第2页 共31页 1. General 总则 1.1 The two components SILOXIRANE based coating material shall be applied to cargo tank, cargo slop tank and residual oil tank, excluding their outfitting. 本双组分油漆基料为SILOXIRANE,应用于货油舱、货油污油舱和货油泄放舱,不包含它们内部舾装件。 Tank 舱 Quantity 数量 Cargo tank货油舱 xx Slop tank 货油污油舱 x Res. oil tank 货油泄放舱 x 1.2 Tank coating shall be carried out after the completion of hot work in the tanks and adjacent areas and tank testing. 在舱内和舱体(六面体)周围火工作业结束及检验经过以后进行特涂施工。 1.3 Tank coating procedure shall be decided in accordance with the builder’s practice, paint manufacturer’s recommendation and owner’s final approval. 特涂工艺制订要遵照施工方通例和涂料制造商提议并经船东认可。 1.4 Surface preparation and coating shall be carried out after the erection and the completion of outfitting works. 表面预处理和油漆必需在上船台(或下坞)和舾装工作结束以后进行。 1.5 Any misapplied shop primer or other coating shall be completely removed during the secondary surface preparation. 任何误涂车间底漆或其它油漆必需在二次除锈过程中清除。 1.6 This Coating Procedure shall together with the MarineLINE Application Procedure be the only valid documents for all parties involved in the tank coating operation. 本特涂工艺结合Marine Line施工工艺作为从事本特涂作业各方唯一有效工艺文件。 1.7 The tank coating materials shall be stored, mixed, applied and cured in strict observance of the requirements and recommendations of the coating manufacturer, the MarineLINE Application Procedu



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