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旧金山金门大桥 日本明石海峡大桥 香港青马大桥 L/O/G/O Bridge Engineering Ⅰ Introduction a branch of civil engineering the design, planning, construction and maintenance of bridge providing passage over an obstacle concrete, steel and timber the hardest brain work Ⅱ Necessity of Bridges 1. the free flow of traffic 2. additional communication facilities 3. the backward districts 4. more socio-economic benefits 5. troops and military vehicles Ⅲ Components of a Bridge 1. Superstructure carrying a communication route bridge decking 桥面系 (flooring, beam…) flooring, handrails, guard stones 2. Substructure a supporting system piers, abutments, foundations (and wing walls) Ⅳ Classification of Bridges 1. General classification ⑴ deck bridges 上承式桥梁 the roadway is above the supporting structure ⑵ through bridges 下承式桥梁 the superstructure of a bridge projects completely above the formation level ⑶ semi-through bridges 中承式桥梁 the superstructure of a bridge projects partly above and partly below the formation level 2. Classification according to the type of superstructure ⑴ Beam Bridges 梁桥/ 平桥 the most common, the most basic bridge a log across a creek T-beam girders & box girders ⑵ Arch Bridges 拱桥 the 2nd oldest bridge the roadway is constructed on an arch which rests on piers and abutments arch ring e.g. Zhaozhou Bridge 北京17孔桥 ⑶ Rigid Frames 刚架桥 used occasionally the piers and girder are one solid structure for spans in the range of 75 to 100 ft (22.9 to 30.5m) and for grade separation structures. 虎门珠江辅航道桥 六库怒江桥 黄石长江公路大桥—全桥总长约 2580.08m,其中主桥长 1060m,五跨预应力混凝土连续刚构桥。采用钢围堰加大直径钻孔灌注桩基础。桥面净宽 19.5m,其中分向行驶的四个车道宽15m,两侧各设2.25m宽的非机动车道 ⑷ Cable Stayed Bridges 斜拉桥 a continuous girder with one or more towers the wind the stability of the cables and the bridge in the wind the 世界最大跨径斜拉桥——苏通大桥(1088米跨) ⑸ Suspension Bridges 悬索桥 for the longest spans the deck, the two cables,many suspenders, the towers,the anchorages light traffic exceeding 600 m L/O/G/O


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