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中国传统 Chinese dragon culture Preface The origin of dragon The imagine of dragon Dragon worship Story of the Dragon The art of dragon in life outline For thousands of years, the dragon has infiltrated all aspects of Chinese society, become a kind of culture and heritage. Dragon became a symbol of China, Chinese nation and Chinese culture. Preface Descendants of the 牤条湯尠 Origin of Chinese Dragon Dragon was one of the totem (图腾) worship images in remote times when people liked to use the images of creatures or plants which they held in awe ( 敬畏) as symbols of their tribes (部落) . They believed that totem worship could bring them protection and good luck. Chinese dragon is of magic power. It can change the length of its body as it wishes, it can either fly or swim and it can even bring rainfalls. People in ancient China often offered sacrifices to Dragon for favorable weather and good harvest. Origin of Chinese Dragon Image of dragon Nine anatomical ( 结构的 )resemblances. The horns of a deer 角似鹿 The head of a camel 头似驼 A demon's eyes 眼如兔 The neck of a snake 项似蛇 A tortoise's viscera 腹如蜃 A fish's scale 鳞如鱼 A hawk's claws 爪似鹰 The palms of a tiger 掌似虎 A cow's ears 身如牛 . Dragon worship ? 1.ruler of weather and water ? Chinese dragons are strongly associated with water in popular belief. They are believed to be the rulers of moving bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers or seas. The four kings of dragon There are four kings of dragon living in the four seas. They had the power to control the rainfall. But if they rained at random, they would also be punished Lord Ye' s love of dragons Lord Ye loved dragons deeply. He had dragons everywhere and he was thinking about dragons all the time. His love of dragons moved a real dragon, who came to visit him one day. When he saw a real dragon, he was frightened to death. The first son of dragon. Bi xi , 赑屃 It is good at carrying things on its back, and likes words ve


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