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实验小学五年级英语第期末试卷 听力部分(30%) 、 听录音, 选出你听到的内容 10分 ( )1 A swim B swi ng C sing ( )2 A plate B pla ne C play ( )3 A dog B doll C toy ( )4 A lamp B light C write … ( )5 A watch B wash C catch … ( )6 A ski B skate C sta nd 线 ( )7 A grape B great C may ( )8 A shop B shoes C short ( )9 A with B which C will ( )10 A n ewspaper B magaz ine C picture book 二 、 听录- 曰, 将他们所做的动作的编 号与在他们的名字下面 6分 Nancy Jim David Hele n Ben Mike ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) r unning 2.si nging 3.jumpi ng 4.sitti ng 5.liste ning to music 6.swimmi ng 7 liste ning to the song 三、根据听到的问句,选择正确的应答 10分 ( )1、A. He is listening to music. B. He is in the sitting room. C. She likes liste ning to music. ( )2、A. No, there isn t. B. Yes, they are. C. No, there aren t. ( )3、A. I can make a model plane. B. I like making a model plane. C. I am making a model pla ne. ( )4、A. Im singing . B. Im going to the library . C. He is talki ng to Miss Li. ( )5、A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词 4分 It Saturday. Tom and his parents 1 busy. His mother is 2 3 . His father is 4 her mother. He is _5 2.在早上 4.寻找 6. run after the desk. Tom is 6 his 7 2.在早上 4.寻找 6. run after 7. after school 8.listen to music 7. after school 8.listen to music 笔试部分70分 、 选出读音不同旳一坝 5分 ( )1. A. guess B. help C. me D. hello ( )2. A. read B. clea n C. please D. bread ( )3. A. game B. stand C. take D.late ( )4. A. sing B. high C. behi nd D. with ( )5. A. work B. walk C. door D. morni ng 二 、 按要求写单词 10分 1、 see (现在分词) 2、 R (同音词) 3、 dancing (动词原形) 4、 make ( 现在分词) 5、 story (复数) 6、 Mike (名词所有格) 7、 write (同音词) can not (缩写) 9、 put (现在分词) 10、 busy (反义词) 、翻译下列词组10分 1.上一节英语课 3.帮助…做… 5.怎么样……? 9. look good 10. go and joi n them 四、选择填空10分 ( )1. Hello! This is Mary. Is that Nan cy? A. Yes, I am. B. No, this is David. C. Yes, that is. ( )2.Ca n you help your sister doing housework at home? A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don t. C. No, I am not. ( )3. How about this after noon ,Tom ? A. This after noon. B. Sure. C. Yes, this after noon. ( )5. What


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