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UNITE1 1.Our bankers are Chase Manhattan Bank and the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation of Hong Kong. They can provide you information about our business and finances. 我公司开户行是大通曼哈顿银行和汇丰银行。它们可向您提供我公司资信情况。 2.bankers n.开户银行 We now have pleasure in confirming that your bankers, The Westminster Bank Ltd., have accepted our Draft for US $6,000, payable within thirty days of sight. 我方高兴地确认,贵方开户行—西敏寺银行已对我方30天期限的6000美元的汇票予以承兑。 3.You were recommended to our company by the Bank of China, New York Branch, which told us that you export Chinese textiles and cotton piece goods. 中国银行纽约分行向我公司推荐贵公司,并告知贵公司出口中国纺织品和棉布。 4.You were recommended to…by… (某公司或单位)向……推荐贵公司 You were recommended to us by ABC Co. Ltd. 5.recommend vt. 1. 推荐,介绍 I’d like to recommend you this article (this article to you).我方欲向贵方推荐该产品。 We have recommended the buyer woolen sweaters and silk pyjamas. 我方已向贵方推荐羊毛衫和绸睡衣。 J. Smith Co. have recommended your firm as being interested in establishing business relations with us.J. 史密斯公司介绍贵公司远同我公司建立业务关系。 That firm has lost heavily on recent transactions, and therefore cannot be recommended for credit. 该商号在最近交易中亏损严重,因此(本银行)不能推荐他们做赊欠业务。 2. 劝告,建议 As the market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance of our counter-offer. 由于行市正在下跌建议立即接受我方还盘。 As you are not familiar with the quality of the product, we recommend buying a small quantity for trial.由于贵方对产品的质量不甚了解,我方建议贵方购买少量试用。 We recommend you to give this your urgent attention.希望贵方急速处理此事。 We strongly recommend you to place an order for the TTC5 duplicators. 我方及力奉劝贵方定购TTC5型复印机。 We recommend you (should) increase the quantity to a hundred metric tons. 我方建议贵方将数量增至100公吨 3. 使受欢迎 There is no margin left for bargaining in our quotation, so your counter-offer is not recommended. 我方报价没有讨价还价的余地,因此贵方还盘不受欢迎。 6.Our company imports general merchandise. We have been in business since 1935, and therefore have wide experience in all the lines we handle.我公司进口杂货,已有71年的经商历史,对所经营的产品有丰富的经验 7.handle v. (1. 经营 We have decided to appoint an age


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