unit 专业英语的翻译-:长句的翻译.ppt

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长句的翻译 科技英语中大量使用定语从句、状语从句和各种短语,使句子具有较长的复杂包孕结构,加之英汉两种语言在词法句法和逻辑思维等方面的差异,因而造成很多长句难懂难译。对待长句,要分清层次,突出重点,搞清各分句的内容和结构。译文要逻辑严密,前后呼应,借助语法关系和逻辑承接语,使译文前后衔接,相互呼应,把原文复杂的概念准确通顺地表达出来。长句的翻译方法通常有顺序法、变序法、分句法、并句法等典型的几种,这些方法可根据不同情况单独使用或结合使用。 长句的翻译 1、原句层次分明,和汉语语序相近时可采用顺序法。如: No such limitation is placed on an AC motor, here the only requirement is relative motion,and since a stationary armature and a rotating field system have numerous advantages,this arrangement is standard practice for all synchronous motor rated above a few kilovolt-amperes. 长句的翻译 译:交流电机不受这种限制,唯一的要求是相对运动,而且由于固定电枢及旋转磁场系统具有很多优点,所以这种安排是所有容量在几千伏安以上的同步电机的标准作法。 长句的翻译 With radar, we can “see” things at a great distance, and it shows us how far away they are, in which direction they lie, and what movements they are making. 译:有了雷达,我们就能“看到”远方的物体;雷达还能给我们指明这些物体的距离、方位和运动方式。 长句的翻译 It is not difficult to gain a general agreement that man-made increases in endangerment and extinction of wildlife——whether due to habit alteration or loss, pollution, insufficiently regulated hunting, or other factors——are undesirable. 长句的翻译 译:很难使人们一致认为,人为加剧野生动物的濒危和灭绝,不论是由于生态环境的变化或消失、污染,对狩猎控制不力,还是由于其他因素,都是不受欢迎的。 长句的翻译 2、英语习惯前果后因和定状语后置,译成汉语时可采用变序法,即先译后部,再依次向前,改变原句的语序,按汉语习惯的语序译出,从而便于表达和读者理解。即倒译法。例如: The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding the potential difference in volts between its ends when a known current is following. 长句的翻译 译:已知导线中流过的电流,只要测出导线两端电位差的伏特值,就能很容易得出任何长度导线的电阻值。 Every stranger is struck by the patient and orderly in which British people queue for a bus. 译:英国人排队等公共汽车井然有序,不紧不慢,这给初来乍到的人留下很深的印象。 长句的翻译 One of the most exciting developments in modern times has been the birth of the field of biophysics, which is concerned with the application of the law governing atoms and molecules to the large molecules found in living organisms. 译:生物物理学是把有关原子和分子的规律用来研究生命有机体大分子的一门学问。它的诞生是当代最激动人心的成就之一。 长句的翻译 Primary emphasis will be placed on the concepts, functions and terminology associated


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