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通知书之英文会议通知邮件例文 英文会议通知邮件范文 【篇一:商务英语:会议通知邮件写作范例】 在线英语外教一对一培训 /retype/zoom/47f20f314a7302768e993944?pn=2x=0y=0raww=47 8rawh=23o=jpg_6_0_______type=picaimh=23md5sum=dd90d1 a06f954df0079f3acacf5223d5sign=20fdf07308zoom=png=11339 -jpg=0- target=_blank点此查看 3pm in room 305. while attendance is required for senior level staff only, all employees are encouraged to attend. please refer to the attached meeting agenda for further details. sincerely, andrew webster 规划委员会会议将于本周五下午3点在305室召开。此次会议要求 高级职员参加,普通员工鼓励参与。详情请看附件中的会议安排。 【篇二:会议通知英语范文】 英语作业一 task 1: translate the conference notice into english. 会议通知 研究生教育研讨会将于20XX年3月23-25日在桂林电子科技大学 举行。3月23日(星期五)晚开始注册和报到。3月24日(星期六)的活动主要包括主题发言人发言、论文交流及晚宴。 3月25日(星期日)的全天活动都将是论文交流,当天晚上结束会议。桂林电子科技大学研究生院将主办这次具有特殊意义的会议, 并盼望与会者到桂林电子科技大学参加此次会议。 the conference notice the graduate students education conference will be held on march 23-25, 20XX in guilin university of electronic technology. everyone t begin to register and report for duty on march 23 night, friday. activities on march 24, saturday, include keynote speaker make a speech, theses economic exchanges and dinner. it will be theses economic exchanges all day on march 25, sunday, and we shall put the conference to an end at night. the graduate school of guilin university of electronic technology will host this special and significative conference and looking forward to the participants come to guilin university of electronic technology to attend the conference. task 2: translate the conference notice into chinese. international e-education conference a conference organized by the china computer association will be held at tsinghua university, beijing, friday 26 — sunday 28 november 20XX. the international e-education conference will consist of a keynote speech, a technical seminar and a thesis forum. except for the open address delivered by the government representative in the o


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